The Future Of War In Erepublik

Day 305, 16:00 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Lincoln, Nebraska- Today we witness the last day of the local elections, yet another reminder that the days of V1 are approaching and that the Eworld as we know it is about to change and that once it does it will never be the same. One of the most entertaining aspects of the game has been the war module and the war module is going to experience some major changes in the transition. So in this article we will go in depth and analyze the current situation in the twilight of the beta era and take a look and see what the future holds for wars in Erepublik.

Currently there are two major alliance blocs, Atlantis and PEACE. Atlantis includes the old northern alliance of northern Europe along with the United States, Argentina, and Romania. PEACE is the combination of FIST and the Mediterranean alliance which is just about everyone else who is not in Atlantis minus a few. These two powers met in the Romanian-Hungarian war which some refer to as World War One but other then that the threat of retaliation from these two alliance blocs has been a successful deterrent from war. The Romanian Hungarian war was put on hold at the start of September while the admins got the kinks in the war module worked out for V1. This ended up saving Hungary who was on the verge of being completely conquered by Romania. The war will continue once V1 is released and it looks like it will be the only regular war we will see at the start of V1.

The current climate of international relations in Erepublik does not suggest any new wars to be declared in the first month of V1 However we are likely to see a couple of resistance wars pop up in both PEACE and Atlantis controlled lands. Probably the most talked about upcoming resistance is the one in Australia. Australia was one of the first countries to be over run and soon after that their citizens began an exodus, most of them went to either the United States or the United Kingdom. The Australians have long been waiting for the release of V1 so that they may redeem themselves. Indonesia, the nation that now controls the island is a member of FIST and looks to be a very tough opponent. The Australian's will need a good deal of international support if they are to succeed.

The lesser talked about resistance movement is in Finland. Finland was overrun by Norway early on and never had much of a chance. Their resistance movement has not received as much publicity as the Australians mostly because it did not start as early as the Australian movement and their numbers were smaller. Recently the Finish resistance movement had experienced a tremendous surge in support with the sovereign Finland party becoming the largest party in the world with over 1,300 members which is more then half of the entire Norwegian population. Finland should become independent as long as Norway does not receive too much support from Atlantis. Norway however can not get too bogged down in Finland since the Russian resistance may gain ground if Norway gets beat up too much. There is also talk of an Israeli revolt against Turkey but they lack the numbers and organization right now to really have a chance. Outside of those four there is not much talk of revolution.

These resistance fights will entertain us for awhile but a month into V1 we can expect to see a huge change in the way wars are fought. For example new countries are expected be added and they would throw in more regions to be fought over by the larger countries so we won't have the situation like we had in the latter days of the beta where there is nobody to conquer. Second these major alliance blocs may erode since mutual protection pacts will now cost gold and have an expiration date. Nations will no longer be able to have such extensive MPP networks and now with more countries likely to be introduced we will start to see a bunch of smaller alliances rather then two large ones.

In addition we can expect wars to be more involved. It used to be that once a president would declare war and then the war would just play out on its own with no regard to tactics. Now the President will do more then just point the army and shoot. In V1 the president will control what regions are to be attacked and there would be a cost for attacking a region for both the original aggressor and the original defender. This means nations will now need even more money to keep up an assault and the original defenders will not be able to gain ground for free. They also plan to introduce a new addition to the war module which would require soldiers to do something extra that would influence the damage they do however this is being kept under wraps.