Day 781, 10:58 Published in Norway Croatia by Crocky

This is a tutorial that followed step by step will make new players to reach level 3 in just 7 minutes.

It is not designed by me, but translated from my friend VEEK, to which NEWSPAPER I please you to subscribe if you find the tutorial helpful. In his ARTICLE you'll find also pictures with the steps explained here.

Why he said the first 7 minutes? You will see at the end of that!

After the official presentation between you and eRepublik are over, after you complete the endless captcha at every 3-4 steps made, eRepublik throw you in front of a beautifully colored page, which is said to be the venue of the most ... and here you will let your imagination to work!

What's on the first page:

1 - your level in the game - summing up all the experience points you receive for the various activities you do, which is materialized in a certain score by level boarding.

2 - The second important thing is wellness. Every newborn baby starts from 50 points of it. In happy cases, after several days , wellness reaches its maximum of 100. Every time you work,train , fight or travel, you lose wellness. You can recover your lost wellness at the beginning of everyday by feeding, using hospital at the end of your daily fights or if someone is kind enough and offer you gifts- but not more that 10 point in gifts.

In your personal page the game offers you information about the money you have, what messages you have received, information about the press, but you can also view your inventory with its 20 positions. At first this it is empty, but when you'll advance you'll be able to get using stuff in there.

3 - The front page will also display various tips blown by Plato, mascot of the game. The first information he displays is that you need to look for work. So you must click on that link and go to an interview.

Job market is very crowded.

4 - As in real life, first are displayed the best jobs for highest skills.

5 - Because you are a newbie, you have to look for something more suitable for your skill, 0 skill, so you'll need to browse for those offers.
But before that you must decide in what area you want to activate as a worker.

6 - You'll be able to choose from 3 different fields : land, manufacturing and construction.

The highest wages are found in manufacturing. But what would be manufacturing without land. And discussions may continue. Once you have elected your domain, you should go with it and your skill in that field will keep on growing. This way you will get the respect of your employer and a better salary.
If you are warriors by nature, and want to be active in the army, I advise you to chose from the beginning either in manufacturing or in land.

A very important advice !!!

Do not change the working domain unless you have no other option!

In time you become more skillful and you'll get a higher salary which will allows you to buy more damaging weapons,more tickets, etc.

If you change the working domain, basically you'll start all over again!

7 - You simply click to select your skill level.

8 - One thing you can be sure of, your skill level at the beginning is 0, so you must choose from 0 to 0.99.

9 - Let's say you choose to work in extraction. It is important to start your work in a quality company as small as you can, preferably even Q1. That's because in a Q5 company, for example, every time you will work you will lose 5 points of wellness. In a Q1 that loss is minimal - one point.

10 - In this industry, salary for the skill 0 is the smallest. The salary is gross, so you will earn even less than you'll see advertised.

11 - Press click to hire.

12. -That's it! You are now on an oil field, ready for your first day at work.

13 - The fact that are an employee brought you the first 5 points of experience in e-life. You can verify this by giving a click on your name. So you'll get the profile page where you can find any information about you.

14 - If you click on the icon box, you will go directly to the home page.

15 - Here Plato is waiting you with another tip. Finding you a job and hiring isn't enough, you'll have also to work. Click on Plato's indication.

16 - Go directly to the company page. Another option would be my location / / my company.
Here you can click on WORK.

17 - For your work you'll get another point of experience.

18 - Fatigue will say its word and make you lose one point of wellness.

Every time you work will earn experience points and you lose wellness points(as many as the quality of the company you are working in).

17 - This experience point is added to those 5 previously received resulting 6 points of experience. Another one and you'll get to level 2!

19 - Plato will announce you that will die of starvation if you don't buy food. It is time to fill some of your 20 inventory positions with some food. Click on the Note!

20 - Here you can select what you want to buy. You'll need bread. You can also select the quality of bread. Because of you are poor you'll probably afford only q1 or q2 food.

21 - So far it is not wise to invest all your money in your account for better food. You must choose smallest quality- Q1.

22 - And to be sure you'll have enough, buy more of it. Enter a value and click Buy Now!

23 - You've bought 6 bread and see how much they cost.

24 - Now you can see the bread in your inventory occupying 6 positions in it. They will be consumed at the beginning of every new day (at 10 AM, GMT).

25 - Plato comes back with a tip: Customize your profile, upload an image to represent you. Click on advice!

26 - The image chosen will be permanently displayed above your name and will be visible to other players. You'll can change it whenever you wish, by clicking on your name and then click Edit Profile. The image must necessarily be in jpeg format.

27 - Choose from your computer, from the Internet,from anywhere a jpeg image and click on Make changes!

8 - If you'll get to the level 2 that means you have managed to upload a picture as avatar!

29 - You'll be able to see the picture you've chosen right above your name.

30 - At Level 2 you'll be able to train for the upcoming fights against enemies.

31 - By loading your avatar you have received 2 XP which resulted in a total of 8. Only 7 points were needed to upgrade your level, here you are - promoted!

32 - click on Plato's advice and go to your daily training.

33 - Wow! Who is that lady? The warrior Lana, who will help you to train every day. You can choose a training program in accordance to your budget. And how you starting budget is so small, you can choose only the standard training!

34 - When you are out of the gym you'll realize that you are at level 3!

35 - You'll also feel tired and you'll notice that you lost another point of wellness during training.

36 - Forget about that wellness point and look with pride at your muscles which have grown by 0.5 points. The higher your strength will be, the bigger damage you'll make in wars.

37 - After exercises click on your name to see how you evolved. As you can see in one day you accumulated 10 experience points and reached level 3.

38 - In inventory your food is enough for 6 days.

39 - Your skill in land increased by 0.5 points.

40 - Your power also increased by 0.5 points.

At first, all these features will grow faster,because even in real life young kids who are developing very rapidly. At some level they will slow their growth, but will never stop increasing.

Why Veek called this tutorial " The first 7 minutes?" Let me explain you why: what took him almost 9 hours for developing and to put it in the page, which take you half an hour to read, to put a comment below, to click on his newspaper link for a vote and a subscription, to a newbie who just joined the game it will take only 7 minute to advance to level 3!

After reaching level 3, you must also read this SURVIVAL GUIDE made by our allies, to be able to grow fast and well informed!

Don't forget to vote and subscribe to both newspapers!

Your friend,