Day 819, 03:50 Published in Greece Croatia by Crocky

Hello again my dear readers,

In the last weeks, especially after the ocurrence of Lana, a world that had already been transformed in an unwanted and unwelcoming place, began to colapse. You can check that for yourselves by watching the number of players displayed every single day.

I don't think that Lana is the only reason for that and I think those who remained, have done it just to see the next version of this world. But those who quitted had all the right to do so. Maybe in their real lives are fighters agains cruelty applied to animals and couldn't bear to see so many headless chickens all over this place.

Although, fights are usualy happen between two sides, it seems that in the last weeks, another side occured and have decided to throw with dead and palgued birds on both rightful sides.

Still so, it looks like no one is willing to pay for weapons anymore, to gift himself or others or to start a fine war, and when I say that I actually condemn all actions made by both EDEN and PHOENIX that are fighting anywhere else but on their territories on regions with no importance or the least importance(Greece - Turkey is the only exception, but turkey is a bird and I mentioned about birds already).

Although, more than 500 days I had been an active player, in the last month I became bored by this game and I've become mostly two clicker(Sorry, actually I could not complete my day this way being in the position to try it several times and two clicker means something else). I've refreshed my browser so many times, in the last weeks that even IT(the browser) became bored and annoyed by the game's problems.

I did not want to comment the technical issues of the game but especially the lack of activity of all players. Even so, it is extremely difficult to gather all the people involved in taking decisions on both sides and to come up with strategies and when finally these are applied, to be totally messed up by the technical problems.

This game was based on socializing but it is mandatory to have something to speak about!

Anyway, my message for all of you is : LET US HAVE A WAR, not only poor attempts of it.What is the use of having maximum dmg at around 500 if we hit walls with our bear hands.
Let's have fun or let's go home.

I also want to ask you something but surely this won't work. If we want to get rid of Lana, let's all stop visiting her. If we do not do so, then Lana will destroy all that have left from our economy. You won't have money not even for your daily bread.

Let's forget about her.

She'll become useless and she will kill herself. (NICE OUTCOME!)

Thanks for reading!
If nothing changes, you've probably just read my last article!

A citizen