The Dutch Com-Unity Update

Day 1,791, 15:41 Published in Netherlands Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

The Dutch Socialist Party is ever growing! We expect to see a few new members this coming week as we launch our boldest recruitment campaign! We have also gained more forum activity and declared that we will run a Country President candidate this month!

I'd also like to take this time congratulate X Deadpool on becoming Vice President of The Party! X Deadpool and I have worked together before and seen positive results.

I also want to congratulate our loyal comrade Gwom on becoming Party Councillor! Gwom has done a great job so far in supporting the party and being a hard worker.

Struis Vogel also has been an active and contributing member to The Party! We thank him for his translations, his good word, and his support.

Poland - We are a party strictly against the fascist Polish occupation of our lands. Not only are they robbing us of our territory, but of our rightful oil and congress seats. Whether it be through democratic or revolutionary means, we seek to take back what is rightfully our's!
Welfare - We believe there should be a program set up by the State in which players can request supplies. This would strengthen not only our government, but our national force power. We believe in empowering the individual which makes up the community, solidarity starts with I.
Political Leadership - We, of the Dutch Socialist Party, believe that it takes a strong leader to execute the will of the people. We like to empower our comrades, each other, so that we grow stronger and wiser together. We believe we should set an example for other parties to follow, not follow other parties.

It's not too late to join us, to join your comrades. If you want a party with vision, direction, positive values, and the ability to empower you; Than join us at the Dutch Socialist Party!

Sincerely your's,
Party Leader and Comrade MikeBane

Join The Party!