The Duke... For Yorkshire?

Day 1,161, 13:56 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Greetings ladies, gentlemen and Dishmcds.

I, ChewChewShoe, The Duke of Yorkshire, am running for congress in Yorkshire and Humberside. This will serve as my manifesto, and I will try following it as much as possible during the term I'd serve if I'd get elected.

So here's what I'm going to change if I get electe😛

I want a huge mansion, preferably not too far from Leeds.
I want thousands of guards and servants, I love some good attention.
I want Smack to be my personal sex-slave, just for the fun of it.
I want a brand new Ferrari, one of them sexy shiny shits.
I want a new Yacht, one of them huge ones you see on American television.
I want twenty-four virgin brides. I love to have something to look at. I'd never touch though.
I want rock concerts in my living room all day long. I love music.
I want Woldy to live in my mansion. He is p cool guy.
I want a Thatcher in the cellar. It is said that iron keeps the place cold.
I want to be president. I only want the flashy medal, not the responsibility.
I want Frerk to win the game.
I want Michael Crookes to conquer all.
I want Thomas765 to get elected.
I want Thomas to be my wife.
The end.

No, not really.

I will not promise any tax changes.
I will not promise any free money.
I will not promise any new hospitals.
I will not promise any new wars.
I will not promise any new defence systems.
I will not promise anything, but my dedication.

I am not running for congress to screw the UK up even further.
I am running for congress to stabilize the UK, and give it the ability to prosper.
What I will do during my term is to vote for what I feel is right in votes. I will be active in both the forums and the IRC. I will take time and listen to arguments on what to, and what not to do.
I will make no false promises. Because that is what once ripped this country apart.
I will stand for what I believe is right, and that would be dedication.

A vote for me, would be a vote for dedication.

I have served in many positions before, and some of them would be:
Queen Mother of the United Kingdom
Deputy Führer of Frerkland
Queen of Malaysia
Royal Prince of Malaysia
God of Singapore
Duke of Yorkshire
Duke of Singapore
Duke of Sabah
Lord of Greater Leeds
Lord of Singapore
Prime Rib of Malaysia
Minister of Glory of the United Kingdom
Former Vice President of Singapore
Former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Singapore
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Singapore
Former Minister of Glory of Singapore
Former Minister of Lulz of Singapore
Former Minister of Immigration of Singapore
Former General Secretary of the Security Council of Singapore
Founder of the Security Council of Singapore
Former Minister of Propaganda of Singapore
Former Chief of Staff of Singapore
Former Representative to Phoenix of Singapore
Former Representative to Sol of Singapore
Former Representative to ONE of the United Kingdom
Former Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Sweden, Austria, Spain and Germany of Singapore
Former Ambassador to the Reptiles, Montenegro, India, Bulgaria and China of the United Kingdom
Former Appointee of the Lulz and Gifting Department of the United Kingdom
Former Appointee of the Messaging Department of the United Kingdom
Former Three-Terms Congress member of Singapore
Former Party President of the Fascist Party, United Kingdom
Former Party President of the Fascist Progression Party, Singapore
Former Party President of the Singaporean National Front
Former Party President of the United Kingdom Terrorist Party
Former Vice Party President of the United Kingdom Terrorist Party
Former Director of Entertainment of the Untied States Workers Party
Former Appointee of the Messaging Department of the United Kingdom Reform Party
Former Party Secretary of the United Kingdom Terrorist Party
Former Colonel of the British Army Reserves
Former Sergeant of the British Special Air Service
Former Private of the British Special Forces
Former Colonel of the British Home Guard
Former Executive officer of Platoon Three, "The White Fang", Singapore
Former Head Deployment Officer of Singapore
Former Captain of the Second Regiment of the international Peace Corps
Former Sergeant of the second platoon of the international alliance "PACMAN" under the military section "Pacmen"
Former Private in the Singaporean special force "Torchwood"
Former Private in the Singaporean special force "M"
Former Marshal of the "Nation's Front" international militia
Former Private in the British Army
Former Private in the Worker's Militia
Former Jerk Constantly Annoying Iain Keers
The guy who made Logamac disappear

But most of all, a dedicated man.

Oh and here's a free cookie: