The capitalist response

Day 2,015, 19:18 Published in India India by Maxi Tippkick Maximillian

Well hello everyone,Parth here.In one of my previous article their was a lot of debate over globalization of the eIndian market.Many people from socialist parties said that it would not benefit eIndia and only make us the losers.Well here is my question.
Can India build a market that can support our expenditures on this economy
What is riskier building a market on just one region bonus or open the industries to everyone for more government revenue?
There are 2 ways of going about this.The indivisual growth way or the government growth way.The indivisual way says that this would destroy Indian companies because the foreign supplier will have an upper hand in bonuses.If the foreigner has a lot of money it is probable he will create a high paying job.The higher paying the job the higher the income tax.You see any person who owns a company needs money.If he can compete with foreign industries then good for him but even if he doesn't he could get a job in the company of the foreigner and build a better company.If the foreign We live in a global economy.Isolating ourselves from outer business will only make it worse.We have to face the facts.It is too risky to invest money in building a privatized market.Even if we do then who will buy it.If the public of India is not at war,they won't buy weapons but there will always be other countries at war.We cannot just let this issue slide by.We have to address it.
Jai Hind
Jai Hind