The British Invasion: KILL REDCOATS!!! - "Major" Developments - Show Preview!!!

Day 806, 17:08 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors
EDIT: Listen to Episode 2 of the Jude Connors Show on Demand.



- News by News, Inc's Myles Robinson!!!


21:00 PST / 22:00 MST / 23:00 CST / 24:00 EST -


Army Journal
Interior Department News
Jude Connors Show Episode Two
Presidential Elections


Follow DoD Orders and KILL REDCOATS! Here is some mood music to help you!

Army Journal

Most people know that I left Congress on December 25th to pursue a military career. I was really disenfranchised with the constant process of failure in the halls of the Capitol and decided it was time to see what kind of eLife I could have in eUSA's mightiest military branch - THE ARMY!!!

I have since been a part of destroying the once mighty Indonesian Empire in battles in South Africa and currently I am happy to be killing Brits. I no longer stand ready to kill Redcoats - I chop them down! All in all, I can honestly say that I enjoy being an eAmerican soldier in the eUSA Army!

Being squared away and doing your job pays off in the Army.With constant expansion, the Army is always growing and leadership opportunities are plentiful. The Army is always seeking individuals seeking the challenge of leadership. I am happy to report that I have stepped up to embrace that challenge. I am now an Army Operations Officer, working directly under the guidance of General George Armstrong Custer. I will mainly be doing Quartermaster duties but also helping out with personnel work, too. This is certainly a challenge I am more than ready to meet.

I thank those responsible for my promotion and affirm to them that their trust is NOT misplaced.


Interior Department News

AS the second term of Jewitt comes to an end, I want to thank all of the selfless volunteers and programs directors who work for the USA Department of the Interior. Without the tireless work of these great eAmericans, none of the educational or citizen assistance programs would be possible. To each one of them - THANK YOU!!! YOU have made the DoI the success that it is today!

By the way, a list of all Interior Department programs can be found here.

Jude Connors Show Episode Two

Episode One of the Jude Connors Show last week was a success and episode two is set for toSectionnight at 2100 Game Time (Midnight East Coast). I would like to thank all of last week's guests and the callers. There was a lively and civil Q&A session of the top three candidates for POTUS and very few problems, most of which were my fault - lol.

This week, Myles Robinson from News,Inc will be bringing us the news in what I hope will be a regular recurring role. Myles is a respected news analyst and his paper has over 500 subscribers. I am one of those subscribers and basically feel that News, Inc is one of the best sources of news in the New World.

In addition, I am bringing aboard an engineer to work the board. Lord Pariah - my adopted eSon - has volunteered to help me out by doing this. This allows me to focus more time on the guests and the callers instead of running that damn board.

Speaking of guests... I won't tell you who he is but he's gonna tell us about SEES!!! I am sure you DON'T wanna miss this!!!

Presidential Elections

Friday brings the world another elections as voters across the New World vote for Country Presidents. Here in the eUSA, the election is one of the main topics of conversation (aside from KILLING REDCOATS!!!)Vice President PigInZen and former President Josh Frost are the fore-runners in the race with Dark Horse candidate Joe Newton making an impression on many people. The most controversial of the "candidates" isn't even a citizen of the eUSA, the well-known and charismatic eHungarian troll - Zoli.

Voting for President is serious business. Remember to "do your research" when deciding on which candidate will get your vote. Check out their papers to see their platforms and shoot them a message with questions. Last month I ran a "lulz" campaign and told people to NOT vote for me. Amazingly, I still got over 150 votes.

The Country President is the most powerful position in the nation and misinformed votes are NEVER a good thing. Do your research and remember to VOTE SUNDAY!!!

Till next time...
Take A Sad Song...
And Make It Better...
Jude Connors">