Thank you note on our eMarriage

Day 1,637, 02:34 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ

Dear eFriends,

Cotarius and I want to take this chance to thank you for the overwhelming love and support we received on the occasion of our eMarriage. If finding each other was the greatest thing in our eLives, the sharing of this time with so many wonderful people was surely the second greatest.

For those who were unable to be with us, here is the ceremony with a few edits for inappropriate comments - which can be revealed (or suppressed) with proper motivation:

*waits till MaryamQ and Cotarius are standing next to each other in front of me 🙂
* +Cotarius stands next to MaryamQ
Again, welcome everyone to the wedding of MaryamQ and Cotarius
* +MaryamQ stands next to Cotarius
We are all here together to celebrate their wedding, to share in the joy that MaryamQ and Cotarius experience when they pledge their love and commitment to each other
I will let mittekemuis say a few words now ( if she wants to 🙂 )
* cooke4444 puts on a light smile
* @tecuvo is getting emotional
* mittekemuis stands
* +mittekemuis comes forward
Someone give tecuvo a tissue
MaryamQ: my dear sis
so many times we have talked about love
what it means to love
and than a name came up
more and more
see now you stand in an eChurch
with your biggest friend
I wish you and Cotarius a lot of love
* +mittekemuis steppes down
* +mittekemuis sits
* %MaryamQ hugs mittekemuis
thank you darling 🙂
* @tecuvo claps
* %Cotarius hugs mittekemuis
* cooke4444 claps
On this happy day, I want to say a few words about MaryamQ and her eHubby
almost eHubby*
MaryamQ is my eMentor and eMom
she helps me both with RL issues and ingame
she really helped me understand eBE now which greatly changed my views about it.
Cotarius is always a cool person
calm and logical
both MaryamQ and Cotarius are wise
they are made for each other like peanut butter and jelly
* cooke4444 laughs
* %Cotarius laughs
may their friendship last forever and their happiness ever strong.
thank you 🙂
* %Cotarius hugs Konrad
* cooke4444 claps
* %MaryamQ hugs Konrad
thank you Konrad 🙂
* Konrad hugs back
Is there anyone else who'd like to say a few words? ( raise a hand! )
I see tecuvo raise his hand
* %MaryamQ nods
* cooke4444 pushes tecuvo forward
* @tecuvo raises his hand
tecuvo? We're listening to you 🙂
* @tecuvo stands up and walks slowly to the front
my dear twinbrother
I don't know what to say
we shared so many beautiful moments together since elynea gave birth to us
🙂 i'm happy
I hope and i believe that you will now share such moments with MaryamQ
* @tecuvo is getting really emotional
* %Cotarius getting emotional
and i wish you best of luck
* %MaryamQ already was emotional
and i hope you make a lot of new little soldiers
to join BNA
* cooke4444 nods in agreement
* Nohjis nods
* @tecuvo goes to his brother and asks some tissues
* @Pieter gives Critically a box of tissues. Since you're late, you can go around with those.
* cooke4444 laughs at Critically
* %MaryamQ hugs tecuvo
* @tecuvo hugs his best friend cotarius
sorry I'm late, I was busy 😛
* @tecuvo hugs maryamq
Ok, thanks a lot tecuvo 🙂
* cooke4444 claps
* %Cotarius drying his tears on tecuvo's suit
Are we ready to get MaryamQ and Cotarius married or did I forgot something?
* @tecuvo goes back to his place and steals critically's tiisue box
Ok then
MaryamQ, Cotarius, please stand up and come forward.
* %MaryamQ stands and comes forward
* %Cotarius stnds up and comes foreward
Let's get you two married 🙂
Cotarius: Do you take MaryamQ to be your eWife?
* @tecuvo thinks: kiss her god dammit
Yes I do
MaryamQ: Do you take Cotarius to be your eHusband?
Yes, I do
Then I hereby declare you two eHusband and eWife.
* Nohjis claps
Now you can kiss 🙂
* %Cotarius kisses MaryamQ
* @tecuvo claps
* BrunoCND wipes a tear
* %MaryamQ kisses Cotarius

This was just the beginning of the fun! For a good five hours or more, the party continued, with people dropping in and out, many of whom we have never seen on IRC before, and a lot of whom revealed themselves in unexpected ways – Olv for one quite literally! For a somewhat slanted view of the beginning of the party, please see cooke4444’s recent article, complete with pics.

The names of those who contributed to the fun are too numerous to mention. Special thanks go to the following:
Pieter557 for officiating
Cooke4444 for acting as DJ (and helping with publicity)
Mittekemuis – eSister of the bride and bridesmaid
Tecuvo – eTwin of the groom and best man
Konrad Neumann – eSon who gave the bride away
Flamendr – eSon who set up the room for the ceremony and party

We also want to thank BrunoCND for providing food (which cooke promptly ate) and his amazing gift of a Hummer, which was used by the rather drunk paras to go on their strike during the reception.
Thanks also to the many generous friends who sent us gifts in-game, some of which have been donated for the defense of eBe.

The guest list is long, and we could not possibly mention everyone, but we are very grateful to all who shared this evening with us and also to those who could not attend but sent their regrets. We feel very blessed to have so many wonderful friends.

Thanks to all of you for making this a night we will never forget!

And a special thanks to mittekemuis for the gift of this image. It sums it all up!