Thank You Maine

Day 614, 14:42 Published in USA USA by seeker1

Citizens of Maine:

Thank you for expressing your confidence in me to represent you for a second Congressional term. I will do my utmost to merit that confidence. I will continue to publish a daily voting record, and will continue my efforts to limit Congressional secrecy.

I want also to thank my opponents, logan Dunleavy, Asterism, ghincolov and Clayton Zook. Each conducted a spirited, civil campaign.

As I told you during the campaign, the current war emergency has pushed all other priorities to the background. I can accurately say that every person sitting in Congress is single-mindedly committed to doing whatever is necessary to help the Administration and the military win the war. It is quite possible that Congress will be able to do little more than that.

With that in mind, I again ask you to move to a state with a Q5 hospital, New Jersey, Kansas (if it is not conquered) or Florida.
If you need a moving ticket, PM Chris Stanwick for help.

Also, to get free weapons, join the eUSA Military Training Division. Information can be found here:,6591.0.html

Senator from Maine