Thank you friends!

Day 2,014, 07:26 Published in Switzerland Austria by Kaad

Dear readers,

After Slovenia didn't respect the agreement, eSwitzerland started a new RW (I wont speak to much about this, read this article to know more ->

All night, Alexandre Walen "The Great of Switzerland", CloveR333, David_, remi.remi and Sir Kaad managed to win all divisions, with the help of our allies, especialy from Chile: Your text to link here...

And our South and North American friends closed this RW.

I must thanks also all CP that answer to my call, I really appreciate to see CoT brothers giving damage for us.

The states opened huge Q7 supplies distributed on #eCH.Supplies @ Rizon.

I thank also all BH hunters from Switzerland.

For D1: remi.remi x3, Supermario2026, Bunny B x2, Oregano77
For D2: omgimalife x3, Daree II
For D3: Kaad x2
For D4: Thedillpickl

And also our allies from CoT:

For D1: MattaPsk2 (Chile)
For D2: Alexey Kondratov (Belgium) x2, juandi.avij (Peru), Naxxo Lopez (Chile)
For D3: Nemanja2012 (USA), pakkiotto (USA), Elmer Homero (Mexico), 3raser (USA), JobMod (Russia), Llillo (Chile) x2, guapexx (Chile)
For D4: 4040 (Bulgaria), Al Punk (Germany), shipamogli (Chile), Pissikot (Russia)

And all other BH from players that we should now call friends.

The CH was won by Al Punk (Germany) with an amasing total of 51 019 864 damage. He asked the Swiss CS, hope he will get it.

And to all country who fought with us and CoT: Albania, Argentina, Canada, China, Columbia, Croatia, France, Greece, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Lituania, North Corea, Pakistan, Poland (yes), Portugal, Taiwan, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia (they get a BH!), Spain (Trico o7), Turkey, Ukrain, United Arab Emirates, UK and Urugway! Tell me If I forget someone!

Thank you!

Because YES WE WON AGAINST SLOVENIA, unless all supplies they put in place.

For Switzerland,