Day 947, 22:38 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors
Join USWP Mobile Voters Corp


A few weeks ago, I had an idea. I was feeling lost in the realm of US politics. I couldn't find a party. I knew I wasn't APF material and I wasn't quite SEES. I was unwanted by the Federalists and I wasn't joining the UIP. The only "Sixth Party" I would join is all but dead because they are busy doing international Internationale' stuff. That only left TAMA, a group I have always liked, steered by a group of leaders that I know and respect. I had every intention of joining TAMA, but I just didn't feel it in my heart.

I talked my situation over with a good friend of mine, SVV. I found out that he was also looking for a good group of people to join up with. Somehow while we were talking, an idea came to light:


All of a sudden I was excited. I talked to a few more people... Fionia was teh first. To be honest, when I hear "Fionia" I think "USWP" and visa versa. She had just gotten fed up with the complete lack of direction, coordination, and leadership in her old party and was a free agent. She is also a powerhouse in the game, especially in politics; and is knowledgeable of every aspect of party leadership. She is passionate and dedicated. Most of all, she is a friend. She HAD to be on board or this wouldn't have even been worth doing. Needless to say, she was.

Speedcat McNasty was next on board. Many people do not even know what he brings to the table since he works in the shadows. Let me tell you all that Speedcat will do anything to help out. From mass messenging people to just being an advisor, Speedcat is there. Another amazing piece of the USWP Rebirth puzzle was in place.

Colin Lantrip came afterwards. I don't even have to speak about Colin, as his greatness precedes him. Colin knows his stuff and has helped hundred if not thousands of new citizens in the New World and has been a huge part of USWP in the past. The pieces were coming together!

TDWester... Pearcey333... Disdick... Beea... the people just kept on coming - ready to do whatever it took to help USWP rise from death. Aersidius... Civil Anarchy... more and more and more wanted to be a part of something that was new again.

The day came. It was Party President Election Day - the Day of the USWP REBIRTH! Most people don't even know this, but five parties were successfully secured in the name of the United States Workers Party. We were back... and best of all... WE WERE BACK ON TOP!!! But quickly came our first great test - Congressional Elections.

USWP had ten days to get candidates and blockers - 56 people for 56 regions!I am proud to say that we were one of the minority who filled each spot without any FEC Blockers used! It was an amazing accomplishment. How did we do it? How could we do in TEN DAYS what other more established parties could not? The answer is simple. USWP has leadership, dedication, and numbers.

The Elections Division, headed up by (former APF member) Laurenbug and (former SFP Member) Civil Anarchy got the ball rolling quickly. From contacting members who signed up under the former party's banner to finding new candidates, the PAC went into action. By the time I got actively involved, 95% of the spots were filled.

Dedication to both party and country seemed to be the spirit of the week. The Communications Department sprung into action, and the Mass Messaging Team went to work. I personally received multiple messages from the MMT. They got the word out to the USWP members and the members showed why we are the United States Workers Party.

Being a blocker is pretty much a thankless job, but as I said earlier... not a single one of our blockers was appointed by CIA Director Rod Damon and the Federal Elections Commission. Instead, the "workers" showed up, punched their cards, and helped out America AND the party. The efforts of these people assured success in helping USWP achieve its first goal - 100% placement.

So I want to thank everyone for a job well done. The USWP is back and definitely kicking. Now let us continue the trend. Tomorrow is Congressional Election Day. Make sure you sign-up for the USWP Mobile Voters Corp to make your vote REALLY count. If we do this right, we will quiet the naysayers. The Zombies have risen... NOW is the time to FEAST!!!