TC Tales: John's Story - Part 3

Day 1,073, 09:25 Published in USA USA by Synesi
John’s tale started here: From Russia with Love: Part Three and John's Story

*This story is epic long and epic awesome.*

John’s Story: Part Three

Day 1,060 1800 Hours
Battlefields of FER/Western Alaska
Report Made by: 1st Lt. John892, CXO of the 11th Company, USTC

I tried to contact HQ to find out what we were to do next. No answer. I had to think of a plan and fast. I called for a meeting of the officers present in a side room. LT_AdamKelley pulled a map of the compound out and laid it on the table.

I found our position on the map and drew a dark, black X over it. I knew that most of the building around must be just rocks by now.

“Okay guys, here’s what’s gonna go down. Adam and I are going to go down to the armory using the secret tunnel system, along with a few of the senior trainees. The rest of you will get this place secured and ready for an attack. At this moment, no one is to leave the safe zone, clear? Good. When we get back, I will update you on what we are to do. Okay, move move move!”

After that order, the officers began turning the place into a beehive of activity. As I unlocked the doors and took my first steps, I felt compelled to stay away. I fought back the feeling and proceeded into the dark hallway, flashlight in one hand, revolver in the other. I pulled down my night vision.

We soon reached the armory. The weapons had not been taken yet. We grabbed everything that we could and began hurriedly back to the main room. When we got there, it looked like it could well survive a nuclear blast. Any room that could threaten security was boarded up, and choke points where made to slow down the enemy. We began to pass out weapons to everyone, sending teams back to the armory to get more. We had a plan now. We had to reach the outside and contact anyone we could. I made a strike team of Adam, Synesi, the senior trainees, and me. I ordered the rest of them to stay here and wait for a possible attack. With that, we loaded up and got ready to rock and roll.

I spent some time alone to prep for my trek outside.

Would I be able to bear to see what it is like out there? Will I stand to know I could be killed at any second? Do I have the strength to do the impossible? Is my mind in the game?
I snapped back to reality as Synesi was shaking me back and forth.

“Johnny, are you okay, we have to go NOW!”

I shook off my thoughts. I had to focus! I just need to get back to my training, back to my nature. Killing. We slowly took off out of the safe zone, into the wild unknown. The bright sun blinded me after my long stay underground. I looked around, seeing nothing but a barren wasteland. I could not spot any targets nearby, so it looked safe. We took off in the direction of the communication buildings. Scurrying like frightened mice, we moved through the rubble and debris. Suddenly, Adam noticed movement up ahead.

“Stop, wait up, I can spot something up there. Three, no four! Four targets up ahead. Okay. Let’s approach this slowly, they could be friendlies. John, how abo....”
Just then, Synesi ran towards them, shouting at the top of his lungs “FOOOOORRRR KKKEEEE$$$$$$HHHHHHAAAA!!!!!!!” and blasting Ke$ha from his portable radio.

“Oh Fu...”

I was not able to finish my expression before Synesi caught up to the squad and shot down the first guy. Rolling and ducking under a pillar, he dumped a whole mag into next one and then proceeded to climb the pillar. Synesi pulled out a knife when he reached the top and jumped off, stabbing the third soldier. He fell to the ground, dead, while Synesi stood up and readied for his last target. The poor soul attempted to sit back behind a wall and shoot the captain. Bad idea. Synesi threw his knife and hit the man square between the eyes, as the body fell back motionless and stiff. He walked up to it, pulled out his knife, and wiped the blade on his shirt. We ran up to him right away, checking to see if he was okay.

“Damn it Synesi, you could have been killed!”

“Meh, it’s what I do, it’s what I do.”

We almost approached the communications building, but stopped short of our destination. I took out my binoculars and searched the area.

They had positioned guards all around, apparently to thwart any attempt to contact the outside world. I spotted about 20 guards with my binoculars, and probably more inside. There were two machine gun nests and one tank. I also saw a glint of light on the top right and looked closer for a better view.

“Keep your heads down guys, there is a sniper hidden up there, second story window.”
At that moment, I heard rustling behind us. We turned around and noticed more movement.

I brought my piece up, along with the rest of the team. When we saw them come out of the shadows, I recognized the faces. It was a few folks from 3rd Division! When they reached us, I asked them,

“Guys! Where have you been? We need your help.”

The guys were from Charlie Company, as I saw on the uniforms. Mostly officers, a band of about 5 men. They were armed, so they must have been sent by the remnants of 3rd Division for the same objective as us. I went over our plans with Captain bobboy10. We sent the

Charlie guys in a position near the guards, as the rest of us held back for the attack code.
Second Lieutenant Daehdur Galrous, a trained marksman, had an M24 on him and waited to engage the sniper.

Adam and I held our rifles and got ready to shoot, with the trainees behind us doing the same.

The Charlie boys were right under the first outer guards, and, at the right moment, struck them down. Bob gave the attack code, and the fighting began. I pulled my gun right up against my shoulder and shot the enemies before us. Charlie moved forward until they were met with heavy suppressive fire. They were pinned down behind a low wall, 100 yards from the station. I then heard a loud report from the sniper’s position, and then heard a dropping body behind me.
“Damn it! We have a man down! Keep your heads down that sniper is still alive! Daehdur, what the hell are you doing!”

Adam rushed to aid the fallen trainee, but it was too late. He was hit right in the apricot, there’s no way he’s coming back. I told Adam to leave him and ordered our unit to move out of the zone of fire. Daehdur was taking too long to take down the sniper. Things looked bleak. As if to add to our torment, I could hear the sound of the tank rolling closer. It brought me back to my time in Russia. I zoned out right then, seeing the horrible scene unfold before me. Tank shoots, hits near jeep. Me on the ground screaming for help. The snow contrasting the red blood from my body. I seemed to relive the event as I sat there defenseless. I was tackled down by a running Adam, right before a bullet came shooting by me and hit Adam. He saved my life! Adam fell to the ground, wounded and bleeding. After that Daehdur finally got a sight of the sniper’s position. With one shot, he took down the killer.

“John, leave me, I will be fine. Keep on with the objective.”

Hesitantly, I did what Adam wished. Daehdur stayed with him and tried to patch him up best he could. I left him and continued with the trainees to try and un**** the situation. Charlie were still pinned down, I needed to find a way to strike down the tank which was closing in.

“Sir, look! There is an RPG-26 left back here!”

Just what I needed. We sat and waited as the tank almost went round the building. I relaxed myself.

When the tank just rounded the corner, I striked. PHEWWWWW! The rocket came out of the tube and hit the tank, which stopped dead in its tracks. The monster of metal was now a wreck, burning away. However, this revealed our position and let the machine guns bear their full firepower onto us. I lead the unit back, around the side and caught up with Charlie boys. I pulled out the RPG, and fired at the first machine gun nest. First Lieutenant Jasper Signa then took out the second machine gun with his rifle.

The remaining guards fell back into the building, as we continued our assault.
Charlie moved into the building, followed by my strike team. The place was too small to hold that many guards. There was something amiss here. I looked up and the ceiling and saw bodies up there.

The ninja-like entities dropped down and began their volley of fire. We took evasive maneuvers and took off for any cover we could find. I saw Second Lieutenant Comotose, who was taking point, be cut down by the ninja men. Synesi threw a grenade at them and the firefight was quickly over. A few of us rushed to the aid of Comotose, as Bob and I attempted to communicate with command. We got the thing working and sent out a distress signal to command. As we were finishing up and heading back, a trainee noticed a lot of movement from outside. I looked and saw the rest of the attackers coming in. Adam and Daehdur are still out there! I told the rest of them to head off to the safe zone, I had a score to settle.

I ran towards where Adam had fallen, all the while as the tanks began to shell the building. They were exploding all around, but somehow none got too close. When I found them, I told Daehdur to carry Adam as we fought our way out.

I was going to get back at these guys. A squad of hostiles ahead blocked the way. I took out my rifle and pulled the trigger. Click. I pulled it again. Click. I was out of ammo. I threw the gun to the side and pulled out old reliable. I took down the six men with six shots from my revolver, no more, no less. When the path was cleared we ran as fast as we could down to the safe zone. The infantry followed us, and the tank began to turn to engage us.
We were a mere 100 feet from it when I heard choppers overhead.

The attack helicopters shot their missiles with precision and accuracy, striking down the tanks and lighting up everything like a laser light show. I noticed the United States Army on the sides of the heli. We were saved. They made quick work of the remaining force, it was all over in 5 minutes. The helicopters touched down and they came out. We all caught up with each other: Army, 3rd Division, 1st Division. The wounded were evac’ed and we breathed a sigh of relief. The sun began to set, as we rounded up everyone for a quick photo.

Boy was I tired. I had done a lot today. It will be a day for the history books. When Lieutenant General Morrigan Alexandros came by to congratulate me on a job well done, I replied,

“Just doing my job Ma’am, just doing my job.”

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