TC Olympics: Special Military Edition - Results

Day 1,059, 10:59 Published in USA USA by Synesi

****Oompa Olympics****

There were trivia, poker, scavenger hunts events and tons of fun.

Here are the final standings of the TC Olympics:
1st Place: Training Corps
2nd Place: Airborne
3rd Place: National Guard

The final event was a little story. I will be posting the stories of the 3 branches that submitted one (one per day).

Special Thanks
I want to thank all of you that made donations to the Olympics prizes. Make sure you were the "I donated to Oompa" sig bar.

Special thanks to:

The Oompa Staff. I will even give you bigger cages as a thank you for all your hard work.
Charles Howe, as Mr. Oompa himself for getting everything together.
Zyria and Alexander Auctoritas for helping run some events or keeping them on track.
All the participants \o/

Thank you all,

Lt. Gen. Morrigan Alexandros

P.S. AB, you were vicious competitors! Excellent job. Kept TC on its toes. Next Olympics!

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