TC Olympics: Final Event Winners - TC Story

Day 1,061, 09:09 Published in USA USA by Synesi

****Oompa Olympics****

TC won 3rd Place for this story.

There I was in the middle of the fight for LionKing, what the hell is panda doing....? He was eating Col. Relin's sofa instead of fighting. In walked Zyria, from the Airborne. She was sucking on a lollipopcake. Then Channing came running, grabbed the panda, sofa in his mouth and launched him to the Serbs. Panda landed right in th middle of the Serbs' cake. "It's a distraction." he said, then grabbed Zyria's lollipopcake and left. Zyria was left dumbfounded and without lollipopcake.

The lollipop cake that Channing stole from Zyria

Meanwhile, Captain Charles Howe despaired at the loss of the panda. It was his meal of choice should a zombie outbreak occur. LT John892 walked in munching on a potato, which fell on some panda poo. Howe grabbed the potato and tossed it to the Serbs. He then went off to attack the Serbs and regain his panda meal. Little did he know that Captain AdmiralQuasar had made a deal with the Serbs for any animals captured during battle. Panda was one of those captured animals. AQ loved his panda steak with tabasco sauce.

AdmiralQuasar opening his Tabasco sauce. Yes, we let infants into TC!

As we neared the glorious EPIC win that was LK, LTG Morigan Alexandros declared it was feast on panda cake day. \o/ But, then deerslayer77 came in running and glomped everyone to the ground. AQ stood up, took out his Tabasco sauce and sai😛 "No worries, I shall nom deer steak too".

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