TC Olympics: AB story

Day 1,063, 23:15 Published in USA USA by Synesi

****Oompa Olympics****

AB won 2nd Place for this story.

There I was in the middle of the fight for LionKing, what the hell is Panda doing with that BBQ'd Cheesecake? That moron was suffering BBQ OD'ing out their in the middle of all the Action without me! So I grabbed my chute and jumped down to grab some of that BBQCake. Then Channing walked out onto the field and said "What The BBQ is going on here?” I turned to him and said, "Channing, BBQ needs our protection!". Then Deerslayer77 ran out onto the field screaming “Oh Holy Lord of The Almighty BBQ!!!”. That’s when we knew, it was time.... Channing, Deerslayer77, and I ran out to Save Panda’s BBQ. I grabbed my rifle and tossed Channing an RPG. “Come on guys, I’m hungry!”

BBQ Pineapple Cheesecake

Bullets were flying and grenades going off all around us, when...ChubbZilla came riding in on his giant sheep. Channing saw the Great Chubbs and yelled out, “Quick, Chubbs, get Panda and the BBQ out of here!” but ChubbZilla began to shag the sheep. I shouted out, “Aww, come on, Chubbs, we’re gonna get killed out here,” I moaned. As Panda was about to take the final bite of the BBQ Cheesecake that would surely kill him, Cyber Witch casually walked up, smax him with her broom and secures the Cheesecake. Mission accomplished, That was it, now we can all go back to base to enjoy a nice Brontosaurus Burger.

BBQ Brontosaurus burgers made by Channing.

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