Stop the moaning eRepublik.

Day 783, 16:18 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

Hello eRepublik

We have to be the biggest amount of moaners on the Internet, Okay im sure there are a couple but come on when ever the “Almighty” Admin decided to change eRep in any way BAM!! Article after Article giving out and moaning about this change, What ever it may be, A slight addition to eRep or a major addition we still come up with some slight argument or a big one. I just join in for the laugh and to add to this game as it can get slightly repetitive.

The best example of this is probably the admins addition to the Training programming, Buying Strength with your hard earned Gold. What was there reasoning?...oh yeah to help noobs….So as soon as a newbie hits level 6 get a good 5 gold and hey that’s okay who doesn’t want gold, If what the admins say newbie’s have a chance with catching up with those “Tanks” we all love to love >.>. So they spend there gold, Napoleon*2 thats 0.24 strength for 4.6Gold that leaves a good solid 0.4Gold for hmm a 2Q1 weapon or 1 Q2? Lovely. There only about 19 Strength levels away from a “Tank”. Let’s look at that simple example. Given a Tank is at 20 Strength levels that mean 20 Gold from just Super Soldier medals (ignoring everything else). Napoleon(0.12)(1.8G*11)= 1.20 Strenght and a Q1) yes I can see how newbie’s could easily reach those Tanks no problem.

Okay Admin, That was aFAIL and a FACEPALMno doubt about it, everyone saw right through that pretty little picture of Lana and your little money making scheme but the fact is the Admins have the right to want money, Don’t they? They create this game, brought the Idea to fruition and have done an okay job at keeping it going except for that Bullocks of a headless chicken, so yes they have a right to want money and make money from it, as just like in RL and eRep for that matter, what makes the world go around? Em love? Oh Jesus! Just leave, No its not Love its MONEY and lots of it. We love money okay maybe the commies a little less than the rest of us but still money makes the world go round.


Now after this FAIL their was uproar complete and utter uproar, some articles hit the 7000 voting mark, which I hadn’t seen before, Each article was about the same thing, Each article pretty much for the next week was about that new Training regime, Critising it, pointing out all the flaws and how it “Killed the Game”.

Weeks later, my games still working? Is yours? I can still log in, read the news do all the use, doesn’t look dead to me. So I guess all you people shouting “Admins, You killed the Game” are well proven wrong.

Next, When I train everyday I don’t see the usual page or the Ex usual page, What do Is see, I see Lana and her big beautiful…..eyes staring back at me, I still see her speech bubble, So she obviously isn’t “dead” her posture hasn’t even been misshapen, I still see those 4 boxes requesting our gold for a little boost in the Strength department Do you? So those great long, moaning articles really did Sweet F all.

Looks to me that the biggest change of 09 is still with us, going strong and wrecking the benefits as I write, All those articles were a waste, all those times you pressed the button “Vote” was wasted and meant nothing, even know people have forgotten
About the old system all those new polish peops didn’t know there was ever a different and more cheaper way to train.

Why am I taking the time to bother with this article?

Well first of all I haven’t written an article in awhile, this topic has yet to be addressed and I just like reminding people the moaning and giving out to people who ultimately can do what ever they want without repercussions is a pointless and unnecessary task.

So when v2 comes out yes, more than likely theres gonna be 100’s more people giving out for no reason what so ever, yes suppose it’s a good way to get your newspaper out there but its just unnecessary, you are entitled to your freedom of speech but before you go wondering why the admins havn’t done what you ask its because they just don’t care, DEAL WITH IT!

That is all, Vote subscribe, shout out advertise just do what ever you want.

Lets try for the second International in Ireland.

Sorry for low resolution 😒.