Stay Strong India

Day 1,998, 20:00 Published in India India by Maxi Tippkick Maximillian

Yada Yada hi dharmasya
Glanir bhavati bharata
Abhyudhanam adharmasya
Tadadmanam srijamyaha
Pavitranaya Sadhu
Sambhavami Yuge Yuge
As a devout Hindu and coming from a rich family I was taught this as a very little child.What is the meaning of this I questioned.I was told that whenever dharma is oppressed in India then Lord Vishnu will save us.I think that God has a purpose for everything.Born in a free India I didn't know the importance of the freedom fighters like Bhagat Sing or Chandrashekhar Azad.Now I know how it feels like to see something other than the tiranga flying over our land.Today was our schools track and field event.There was a lot of spirit.I almost lost my voice cheering for my team.At the start during the national anthem I began to sing Jana Gana Mana instead of the star spangled banner.Some of my Indian friends joined in.Everyone of us has India in our heart.For some of you old music fans mera junta hein Japani ye patloon hein englistanein sir pe lal topi rusi fir bhi dil hein Hindustani.We have to remember that even if we have no region their is a bond between all of us that we share our love for eIndia.We will not lose.We will not be pacifist.If someone comes in my house he will have hell to pay for.A volcano eruption always leaves fertile soil.Their will be a morning after night.
Jai Hind