State Fact edition canceled

Day 513, 19:35 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

In other news we regret to inform our readers that the Arizona Republic's State Fact edition has been canceled. We have been warned by Admin that our previous article was racist and deleted (New Jersey York in which we called New York, *** York.)

Apparently blatant satire racism is non negotiable nor is the freedom of speech and expression. 🙁

So as our final piece, we will give an apology to all the groups we offended from each state, and those who made comments with their dissatisfaction. We also want to thank various people for their support which will also be included.

Arizona: Hot Weather Enthusiasts, People who live in sand, "Migrant Workers", the Arizona Cardinals

Texas: Texans in general, Gun owners, Conservatives, Homosexuals

Reaction: Korin Dethanos sai😛 Is that suppose to be funny? All Texans are trigger-happy, social conservative, homophobes? Kiss my ass.

Support: Hari Michaelson sai😛 Korin forgot to take his daily lulz vitaminz today.

Delaware: People who enjoy tea and crumpets, African Americans, People who enjoy KFC, White people who enjoy Hip Hop Rap and African American culture, Delaware State University students,

Reaction: Citizen Druo sai😛 If it's meant to be satire, it just comes off as random, unrelated, straight-up racism.

Citizen Druo: I'm more worried at your attempt at "satire." You have to realize that making unfunny, flatly racist jokes that your high-school lunch table might find funny, is a lame move. You even threw in some gay-panic homophobia for good measure, which I didn't catch in first pass. You'd be surprised how many centrists and liberals there are in eRep, and also how many in-game conservatives would be totally turned off by this ToS-violating immaturity.

You come off looking bitter and childishly bigoted instead of clever or remotely funny. Do yourself a favor and leave your lame jokes about "coke-running" and "negro breeds and other subtypes" out of your paper and out of the game.

(Citizen Druo would make a perfect admin!)

Support: Sir Valaro Volcrumone sai😛 haha. i love this stuff lol 😛

Utah: Followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2 Girls 1 Cup viewers, Muslims, Raëlians,

Arkansas: Southerners, Neanderthals, Native Americans, Republicans, Bill Clinton,

Reaction: AlexiDrake sai😛 Not Funny

Support: Aetos sai😛 ROFL, Honesty is a skill brutality is a gift.

Nevada: Gamblers, Followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Californians, ladies who rent their bodies for explicit servitude and gratification in exchange for cash,

Mississippi People with below average IQs, Unsafe Drivers, African Americans, White people who live in trailers, Confederates, Southerners

New Mexico: Migrant workers, Homosexuals, Extra Terrestrials, Scientists, Culture group of the 60's, Native Americans, Asians,

Special Edition: Germany People who enjoy subculture German fetishes in the pornographic industry, German Shepherds, soldiers, National Socialist Party members, Turks, French, Dutch, minorities, Jewish faith and people, David Hasselhoff, and even Hitler

New Jersey: Native Americans, Dutch, Jewish faith and people, garbage collectors, Puerto Ricans, African Americans, Italians, People who use and love spray-on-suntans and hair gel, Hal Turner

New York Native Americans, Jewish faith and people, African Americans, Irish-Americans, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Homosexuals, Mike Bloomberg, Taliban, Al Qaeda, Bin Laden, Hillary Clinton, people who lost their lives on 9/11, Latvians, Migrant Workers, Drug Addicts, alcoholics, ladies who rent their bodies for explicit servitude and gratification in exchange for cash, and Socialists

If you were offended and i missed you or a group of people please comment so i may express my deepest sorrow for the offense i have committed.

If admin so desires i will commit Seppuku to retain whats left of my dignity and honor.

Thank you
CEO Arizona Republic
Emperor Rick