Day 2,125, 18:39 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

I Said Check out my Stat Screen!

So there I was on vacation, or maybe it was a dream, standing with a group of close friends about to fight a giant monster. But Kooguy kept trying to rap before the fight, which only provoked the monster into yelling "STAT SCREEN!"

As we finally got ready to fight, irule descided to tell us he couldn't because he had to attend a convention to sell special logo'd t-shirts, coins and condoms. To which of course Kooguy bought ten off of him.

And when Timmy Holtz told him to get serious, irule stated that his loyal companion Lancer said he was doing great, to which Lancer said "you tell him sweety,"

to which Tim said "but the people want us to kill the monster!" to which the monster yelled "STAT SCREEN!"

This is where I got off track, "have you seen my review show on gossip, I give people ratings between good, amazing and makes me want to quit this game, and I also have Marketing department called Rev Marketing Department!"

Timmy would roll his eyes "this is worse than dealing with US Country Presidents"
-Flash to four crazy country presidents-

Oblige: "S0 when ever Mazzy Cat isn't writing articles, people should be going, where's Mazzy Cat?"

Paul Proteus: "But what do we do when Mazzy Cat retires?"

Vanek26: "That's the Brilliant part, will make her into a robot, and call her RoboMazzy Cat!"

-Group Laughter-

Paul: "Let's make shirts out of it!"

-More Group Laughter-

Israel Stevens: "What about Custer, he's the best character ever!"

Paul" Can we make a shirt out of him?"

Israel Stevens: "I don't think so"

Vanek26 "lol, well frick off"

Oblige: "You think we're doing this for fricken fun?"

Paul: "you're off the team!"

-end flash back-

Timmy shook his head "what a bunch of pretentious clowns!", to which Kooguy replied "oh yeah, unlike Greeling, remember Greeling wasn't he was awesome?"

"He vanished" Timmy replied.

"I remember him like he was yesterday" Kooguy said before flashing back to a Greeling memory-

"hey guys how's cody's butt?" Greeling said

"oh hey Greeling how are you," said Timmy,

"Have I ever told you guys, that I like Lion King"

"Oh really so do I!" Kooguy replied.

"no no no, I really like Lion King" Greeling said



"ok this is getting weird," Timmy sighed.

"who wants to watch it on VHS with me?" Greeling pulls out the tape

"what are those Stains?" potato asked confused

"can you feel the love tonight" Greeling sang -end flash back-

Kooguy started talking again after Timmy said he never wanted to speak about Greeling again "I'll defeat him according to the ancient ways of my people, in a rap battle!" he paused "plus I'll be using a my little pony beat cuz I'm really cool"

"It never works, and you rap battle everyone, literally everyone, you rap battled mzCielly!" Timmy yelled.

-rap battle flash back-

"yo Cielly, you got the IQ of Plato, without the good looks to make the trolls happy, come on give up, its over cuz aint nobody safe from my koodown!"

"this is why you got kicked out of congress" mzCielly replied

"Girl you just hating cuz I ain't given you the eRep Deed yet"

"I'm married" mzCielly stated simply.

"I'll be your Master too, Winky Face*" Kooguy winks

-end flash back-

"seriously I think you got a problem..."Timmy realizes kooguy is ignoring him "kooguy?"

"hey MoJo, how you livin shorty?" Kooguy flirted badly

Shortly after that Kooguy got kicked in the crotch by Molly.

"yeah you kick me, Winky face*" he winked again.

"really right now?" Timmy said annoyed.

"I still got ten condoms and 4 girls" Kooguy stated with a smirk,

Timmy looked confused "wait four?"

"yeah Mazzy Cat dog, I don't discriminate, hell I might even prefer it, Kitty Face" Kooguy does weird Kitty Winky face.

"Fine if none of you want to do your bloody jobs, then I will, hey you giant monster you bloody wanker, LAG!"

"STAT SCREEEEEEEEEEN!" the monster exploded.

"yay we won!" potato celebrated.

"I love eRep adventures" I said sounding a bit high.

"now that the monster is gone, we can focus on what really matters!" -Winky face-

"well I'm off to convention, promise I'm gonna be really productive when I get back" irule stated as he walked away

"we've got table top" lancer grunted.

"neverr mind, week after maybe" irule sighed a bit as he left.

"Well than it is time to do uncredible things for money!" Kooguy yelled.

The actual video