Special Message to eFriends

Day 1,632, 23:16 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ

Dear eFriends,

Sometimes in this game, there are things that happen that are, well, game changers, and they are not all caused by Plato. I am about to share one of those events with you.

Last year, in the spring, I went into 2-clicking mode due to RL reasons coupled with some frustrations about how eLife was going. This was a good thing, and I recommend it to you when you reach that point in your eLife when you need a step back. However, in the fall, things changed a bit for me, and I decided to come back to the eBelgian community. I found a lot of things the same, of course, but also many things changed, including some promising new members of our community. After being asked to run for CP again, something I had not planned on, I got back into the IRC habit, and started talking to some of these promising new people as well as renewing some old friendships.

Well, to make a long story short, one of these new fellows caught my eye, first on the forum, and later on IRC. I have many people in this game I choose to call friend, most of them in eBe, and some of these I love dearly – I hope you know if you are one of them – but this one was different. He was charming, passionate about what he believed, usually kind, and man enough to admit publicly when he was wrong. Here, in his words, is what happened.

Two people who found each other by debate
They argued and could find themselves with each other's thoughts.

Two people whose minds came together by debate
They like to battle and to share.

Two people who came closer in ideas
They started to talk.

Two people who liked each other
They fell in eLove.

Some of you know about us. Some will be surprised. I am a bit surprised myself. I have played this game very happily eSingle for a long time, but Cotarius has asked me to be his eWife, and I have accepted. We would like you to share our joy. Those friends who are able are invited to join us on IRC this Friday, Day 1634 of the New World, at 1100 game time (2000 CET). Send one of us a PM to learn the name of the channel.

And thanks, all of you, for being our friends!
With love,
MaryamQ and Cotarius