Sore Loser lashes out in Congress because he doesn't get his own way

Day 2,939, 09:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Addaway

As everyone will know there was a democratic election the other day- Aaron, the TUP, UKRP and WRP candidate defeated Neil Lewis, the UKPP candidate, by about 20 votes.

Neil of course can’t stand the fact that his broken politics of envy and spite had been rejected by the eUK again, and has now resorted to trying to cause as much damage in congress as possible.

Now I have been through the arguments already with Neil and in public articles, and it’s perfectly clear that no ingame or player-created laws were broken over this affair, with it simply being a case of us needing an MU to place CO money and Fataliix in Nifty being the best candidate to place them. Since then I have actually dug into my own cash to pay for a new MU for the MoD to use, to stop this having to happen again.

Aside from this, Neil’s demand for ‘an inquiry’ is a moot point- they don’t exist. There has never in the two and a half years I have played been a precedent or formal process for an inquiry into anything- its a heavily metagame thing to indulge in. So it was utterly unclear what an inquiry would even mean, what powers it would have (i.e none because inquiries don’t exist) or what it would really accompolish other than giving Neil another platform to spout his bile towards one of the eUK’s Military Units.

Let’s be clear, the Military Module and the Political Module are best kept separate. Nifty is an apolitical MU, just as the Royal Navy is- its members sure aren’t and will vigorously put forward their own opinion. But you will not find Nifty attached to any party and we only intervene as a group to either poke fun through photoshop or to back up one of our own or our friends who is being unfairly attacked, and to point out lies that people think they can get away with.

The Speaker, ESO’s FightAndProduce, really didn’t have a choice. Inquiries don’t exist, so how could we ever have one?

It’s fair enough. Regardless of the merits of any particular situation, people can’t just will entire systems of inquiry into existence so the Speaker had no choice but to ‘deny’ the request- really he should never have been put in the position to have to anyway.

That of course, was not good enough for Neil Lewis.

Now he’s trying to impeach the Speaker for just doing his job, all because Neil hasn’t got his way and isn’t able to carry out his vendetta against a group of people that he doesn’t like.

Frankly, I am sick of this. For the past week and much before that, Neil and others have had a chip on their shoulder, constantly trying to drag our MU into politics as if its some kind of shadowy group- no mate, its a group of friends who want a feed to take the piss out of each other while still keeping our friends in our respective parties. It’s ‘a bit of fun. And if members from our unit win CP, so what? What does that have to do with the unit?

Neil, it’s time you stopped with your horrible politics of envy; just because the eUK doesn’t elect you CP doesn’t mean it’s part of an evil conspiracy, and even pursuing the support of the BDP and its multi legions won’t change that. Why don’t you get down from your high horse, take the chip off your shoulder and actually contribute to making the eUK a better place, just like lots of eUKers have been for months.
