Somebody Save Me

Day 2,085, 21:17 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

Mood Music

The Dream on its knees crawling around
785 days ago I founded the Revolutionary party, it had a moderate beginning, a peak of 7th place at 131 members, before a collapse that has left the party lingering in the teens in members and in rank.

Since the collapse began I've gone to South Africa for 5 months, came back did Seal Team 6 for a bit, went to Canada for about a week, came back again, eventually ended up in the United Kingdom for about a month, before returning to South Africa until July 24th when I returned to the eUSA via New York.

After a brief stint in New Lunar Republic because of a shout by Colin, I've returned to the Revolutionary Party one last time. My dream is on the ground, crawling around barely alive, but before I quit this game I had to come home again to see if the dream can live again or to watch it die with me.
The Fading Dream
Today I applied to join the eUSMC a dream I've had for most of my time in eRep, but any time I've ever gotten close the standards have gone higher. That being said I decided to apply anyway to give it a shot and hope to be allowed to join anyway despite not meeting all requirements. I mean no disrespect to those requirements but I do believe the Marines should be about more then power, that it should also be about pride and commitment and being that this is the only thing I want to do in eRep now to be a Marine, I'd be proud to be one, and committed to it. So here is hoping I am allowed to join.

youngHood wants you to know about his bears

^Click the picture to understand^
My Warden is Calling
So back to my cage I must go, otherwise Greeling will try to spank me.

Somebody Save Me!

For 5 More Days