Some Important Announcements

Day 319, 13:41 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

This is a repost since I had to update some things.

I have not written an article in awhile and since there are no wars or anything going on that I would normally report on I decided I would just write an article with a few things that I thought were important. So here they are and I would also like to thank all my subscribers who have gotten my paper to 200 subscribers in 6 months.

RFC Party Presidency

I would like to announce my candidacy for this position. I first ran back in August against TGM and came close to winning and then again last month but I did not prepare much that time. The elections will either be the 10th or the 15th depending on when V1 is released. If V1 is released before the 10th then the elections would be on the 15th if they are not released before the 10th then they will be held on the 10th. I will be running against TGM after he has taken a break for a few months from the RFC party president spot. I will release more information on this in the coming days.

Raw Materials

This system is really quite flawed. Having one PB2 (productivity bonus) region is just as useful as having twenty since there is no limit to the amount that can be produced. As long as a country has access to at least one region with a PB2 resource and a large population they will be a top exporter. The quantity of regions with PB2 is irrelevant. Also PB1 regions are going to be useless for the most part if the bonus is actually X2 since Pb2 regions will easily be able to produce enough to undercut the PB1s. Even foreign PB2 companies would be able to beat out domestic PB1 companies unless the import tax was very high. Never the less I plan to open up a grain company within the first week of the new feature.


There has been some confusion surrounding who is the general of the marines. To make a long story short Buzzy thought that I had retired when I took the Secretary of State job and he appointed a new general without telling me or really making it public. He did have immuno put in an announcement but not very many people noticed it since it was basically a copy and paste thing of something that was a bit older so few actually read through the whole thing and even fewer caught that. Since they have already told somebody else that he is commander of the marines and I have already had the opportunity to be general I am now stepping down officially from the commanders spot of the Marines. Daniel Canyon is your new commander you should talk to him about joining the marines.

Navy SEALs

Even though I have just stepped down from the Marines that does not mean that I am done with the U.S. military. I am currently working on starting up a group of elite fighters that will be known as the SEALS. It will be independent of the other branches however it will not be as large, it is more like an elite squad that reports to the NSC. We are still getting some things worked out regarding this but if we do end up creating this I would be leading it. I can't give too much information on it away yet but I can tell you that it will be a select group that will be chosen by me and the NSC. The strength requirement will probably be 5.5 but we may bring in people under that level if we need a temporary SEAL.

October General Elections

Roby and the rest of the USWP experienced a huge victory on Wednesday which gave them control of both congress and the presidential seat. The congressional seats will be shaken up with the new V1 political system and there will be a second congressional elections this month on the 25th but we can be sure that Roby will stay president and be the first president of the V1 era. I will not return as secretary of state but I congratulate Roby and his party on this victory.

Krusty Burger

I have opened up my first company. It is a Q1 food company right now and it is hiring. If you are new and need a job I would be glad to hire you. It is owned by my SO Desert holding and you can see the company [a url=]here[/a]. I also plan to create a grain company once V1 is released as well.

V1 Release

It is now October and we are now in the scheduled time horizon for the release of V1 with its release expected within the next 12 days. However we can not get to excited because these are only predictions and they still have work to do on V1. In one of my older articles I have written how we should prepare for V1 you can read it [a url=]here[/a].

V1 Economics

Prices for everything will go up now that companies have to pay for raw materials instead of just the labor so do not be surprised when that happens. I would recommend stocking up on high quality guns since those are likely to increase in price the most due to the fact that we do not have a PB2 region for iron. The good news about this is that due to there not being any wars are weapons companies have stock piles completed and ready to sell so we should not experience a huge price influx overnight. Gifts will also experience a jolt in prices but this will happen much faster then weapons,


The populations of some countries has been dropping across the board I believe that this is the admins going through and “cleaning out” the population. This enplanes why our population has dropped by 500 people. However it really does not affect us since the people they would be taking out of the population count or taking out of the game completely are either just multis or people that have been dead for a really long time.

Fight For Freedom

Finland is a shoe in to win and Australia is gaining support. I will write an article soon about the situation with Australia since this war is going to have a huge impact on the world since the Australian regions of Indonesia provide them with several important resources and people have been waiting all summer for this war. I think Indonesia will have the advantage in the war since they will get the defenders bonus but if the Aussies get support from a lot of veteran players the first strike will reduce the defensive bonus considerably. The Aussies have a chance as long as they coordinate their attacks and fight smart.

Thats about all I have to say for now stay tuned for information on the Australian situation, the Navy SEALs, and my candidacy for RFC president. And Remember We Must All Stop Manbearpig!