Some Ideas

Day 1,924, 15:40 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany
Training Facilities

Introduce new Q5 training facilities so that people will spend more gold to get the upgrades and more strength can be earned.


This idea is exactly what we need to deal with overproduction. Lets have a moon that gives additional resource bonuses. Here is the catch the only way to launch an attack on the moon would be airstrike or airstrike equivalent. People would donate massive amounts of food and weapons for the moon effort that markets would be drained of resources causing inflation.

Training Center Jobs
Allow people to use employees to gain strength by being able to place your employees in training facility.

Gold Casino
Just an idea but allow people to play poker, slots, blackjack, and other games with gold. I think it could shake up the game if people could play casino games for gold.