Socialism and Stuff #2

Day 1,959, 19:08 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

What is eSocialism?

For me eSocialism is about the vanguard party. The vanguard party is the tool of people to engage in revolution. All countries in some for have class struggle and therefore should have a vanguard party. Each parties duty is to politically take power for the people. After taking political power for the people then the party must continue to intensify the struggle and destroy all which is bourgeois. The vanguard party must also collaborate with the vanguard parties of other nations. The struggle in each nation is different and each country should adopt there own approach to eSocialism that works in that country. All members of a vanguard party should actively search for revisionism. While each party may have slightly different ideas, revisionism even in the smallest degree will lead to the parties ultimately becoming revisionist.

Communist Manifesto(Jive)

De histo'y uh all hiderto 'esistin' society(2) be de histo'y uh class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lo'd and serf, guild-master(3) and journeyman, in some wo'd, oppresso' and oppressed, stood in constant opposishun t'one anoder, carried on an uninterrdownted, now hidden, now jimmey fight, some fight dat each time ended, eida' in some revolushunary reconstitushun uh society at large, o' in de common ruin uh de contendin' classes. In de earlia' epochs uh histo'y, we find mos' everywhere some complicated arrangement uh society into various o'ders, some manifold gradashun uh social rank. In ancient Rome we gots' patricians, knights, plebeians, slaves; in de Middle Ages, feudal lo'ds, vassals, guild-masters, journeymen, apprentices, serfs; in mos' all uh dese classes, again, subo'dinate gradashuns. De modern bourgeois society dat gots'ta sprouted fum de ruins uh feudal society gots'ta not done away wid class antagonisms. It gots'ta but established new classes, new condishuns uh oppression, new fo'ms uh struggle in place uh de old ones. Our epoch, de epoch uh de bourgeoisie, possesses, however, dis distinct feature, dig dis: it gots'ta simplified class antagonisms. Society as some whole be mo'e and mo'e splittin' down into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facin' each oda' — Bourgeoisie and Proletariat. From de serfs uh de Middle Ages sprang de chartered burghers uh de earliest towns. From dese burgesses de fust elements uh de bourgeoisie wuz developed. De discovery uh America, de roundin' uh de Cape, jimmey'd down fresh ground fo' de risin' bourgeoisie. What it is, Mama! De East-Indian and Chinese markets, de colonisashun uh America, trade wid de colonies, de increase in de means uh exchange and in commodities generally, gave t'commerce, t'navigashun, t'industry, an impulse neva' befo'e knode, and dereby, t'de revolushunary element in de totterin' feudal society, some rapid development. De feudal system uh industry, in which industrial producshun wuz monopolised by closed guilds, now no longa' sufficed fo' de growin' wants's uh de new markets. De manufacturin' system took its place. What it is, Mama! De guild-masters wuz pushed on one side by de manufacturin' middle class; division uh labour between de different co'po'ate guilds vanished in de face uh division uh labour in each sin'le wo'kshop. Meantime da damn markets kept eva' growin', de demand eva' risin'. Even manufactura' no longa' sufficed. Deredownon, steam and machinery revolushunised industrial producshun. De place uh manufacture wuz snatchn by de giant, Modern Industry; de place uh de industrial middle class by industrial millionaires, de leaders uh de whole industrial armies, de modern bourgeois. Modern industry gots'ta established da damn wo'ld market, fo' which de discovery uh America paved da damn way. Slap mah fro! Dis market gots'ta given an immense development t'commerce, t'navigashun, t'communicashun by land. Dis development gots'ta, in its turn, reacted on de 'estension uh industry; and in propo'shun as industry, commerce, navigashun, railways 'estended, in de same propo'shun de bourgeoisie developed, increased its capital, and pushed into de background every class handed waaay down fum de Middle Ages. We see, derefo'e, how de modern bourgeoisie be itself de product uh a long course uh development, uh a series uh revolushuns in de modes uh producshun and uh exchange. What it is, Mama! Each step in de development uh de bourgeoisie wuz accompanied by some co'respondin' political advance uh dat class. An oppressed class unda' de sway uh de feudal nobility, an armed and self-governin' associashun in de medieval commune(4): here independent urban republic (as in Italy and Germany); dere taxable “dird estate” uh de monarchy (as in France); afterwards, in de puh'iod uh manufacturin' propuh', servin' eida' de semi-feudal o' de absolute monarchy as some counterpoise against da damn nobility, and, in fact, co'nerstone uh de great monarchies in general, de bourgeoisie gots'ta at last, since da damn establishment uh Modern Industry and uh de wo'ld market, conquered fo' itself, in de modern representative State, 'slusive political sway. Slap mah fro! De 'esecutive uh de modern state be but some committee fo' managin' de common affairs uh de whole bourgeoisie. What it is, Mama! De bourgeoisie, histo'ically, gots'ta played some most revolushunary part. De bourgeoisie, whereva' it gots'ta gots de downpuh' hand, gots'ta put an end t'all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relashuns. It gots'ta pitilessly to'n asunda' de motley feudal ties dat bound dude to his “natural sdownerio's”, and gots'ta left remainin' no oda' nexus between dude and dude dan naked self-interest, dan callous “cash payment”. It gots'ta drowned da damn most heavenly ecstasies uh religious fervour, uh chivalrous endusiasm, uh philistine sentimentalism, in de icy booze uh egotsistical calculashun. It gots'ta resolved sucka'al wo'd into 'shange value, and in place uh de numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, gots'ta set down dat sin'le, unconscionable freedom — Free Trade. What it is, Mama! In one wo'd, fo' 'esploitashun, veiled by religious and political illusions, it gots'ta substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal 'esploitashun. De bourgeoisie gots'ta stripped uh its halo every occdownashun hiderto honoured and looked down t'wid reverent awe. What it is, Mama! It gots'ta converted da damn physician, de lawyer, de priest, de poet, de dude of science, into its paid wage labourers. De bourgeoisie gots'ta to'n away fum de family its sentimental veil, and gots'ta reduced da damn family relashun t'a mere bre'd relashun. De bourgeoisie gots'ta disclosed how it came t'pass dat da damn brutal display uh vigour in de Middle Ages, which reacshunaries so's much admire, found its fittin' complement in de most slodful indolence. What it is, Mama! It gots'ta been de fust t'show whut man’s activity kin brin' about. It gots'ta accomplished wonders far surpassin' Egyptian pyramids, Roman aqueducts, and Godic cadedrals; it gots'ta conducted 'espedishuns dat put in de shade all fo'ma' Exoduses uh nashuns and crusades. De bourgeoisie kinnot 'esist widout constantly revolushunisin' de instruments uh producshun, and dereby de relashuns uh producshun, and wid dem de whole relashuns uh society. Slap mah fro! Conservashun uh de old modes uh producshun in unaltered fo'm, wuz, on de contrary, de fust condishun uh existence fo' all earlia' industrial classes. Constant revolushunisin' uh producshun, uninterrdownted disturbance uh all social condishuns, everlastin' uncertainty and agitashun distin'uish de bourgeois epoch fum all earlia' ones. All fixed, fast-frozen relashuns, wid deir train uh ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-fo'med ones become antiquated befo'e dey kin ossify. Slap mah fro! All dat be solid melts into air, all dat be holy be profaned, and dude is at last compelled t'face wid soba' senses his real condishuns uh life, and his relashuns wid his kind. De need uh a constantly 'espandin' market fo' its products chases de bourgeoisie ova' de entire surface uh de globe. What it is, Mama! It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connexions everywhere. What it is, Mama! De bourgeoisie gots'ta drough its 'esploitashun uh de wo'ld market given some cosmopolitan characta' to producshun and consumpshun in every country. Slap mah fro! To de great chagrin uh Reacshunists, it gots'ta drawn fum unda' de feet uh industry de nashunal ground on which it stood. All old-established nashunal industries gots' been destroyed o' are daily bein' destroyed. Dey are dislodged by new industries, whose introducshun becomes some life and dead quesshun fo' all civilised nashuns, by industries dat no longa' wo'k down indigenous raw material, but raw material drawn fum de remotest zones; industries whose products are consumed, not only at crib, but in every quarta' of de globe. What it is, Mama! In place uh de old wants's, satisfied by de producshun uh de country, we find new wants's, requirin' fo' deir satisfacshun de products uh distant lands and climes. In place uh de old local and nashunal seclusion and self-sufficiency, we gots' intercourse in every direcshun, universal inter-dependence uh nashuns. And as in material, so's also in intellectual producshun. De intellectual creashuns uh individual nashuns become common propuh'ty. Slap mah fro! Nashunal one-sidedness and narrow-mindedness become mo'e and mo'e impossible, and fum de numerous nashunal and local literatures, dere arises some wo'ld literature. What it is, Mama! De bourgeoisie, by de rapid improvement uh all instruments uh producshun, by de immensely facilitated means uh communicashun, draws all, even de most barbarian, nashuns into civilisashun. De cheap prices uh commodities are da damn heavy artillery wid which it batters waaay down all Chinese walls, wid which it fo'ces de barbarians’ intensely obstinate hatred uh fo'eigners t'capitulate. What it is, Mama! It compels all nashuns, on pain uh extincshun, t'adopt da damn bourgeois mode uh producshun; it compels dem t'introduce whut it calls civilisashun into deir midst, i. Ya' know?e. What it is, Mama!, t'become bourgeois demselves. In one wo'd, it creates some wo'ld afta' its own image. What it is, Mama! De bourgeoisie gots'ta subjected da damn country t'de rule uh de towns. It gots'ta created eno'mous cities, gots'ta greatly increased da damn urban populashun as compared wid de rural, and gots'ta dus rescued some considerable part uh de populashun fum de idiocy uh rural life. What it is, Mama! Just as it gots'ta made da damn country dependent on de towns, so's it gots'ta made barbarian and semi-barbarian countries dependent on de civilised ones, nashuns uh peasants on nashuns uh bourgeois, de East on de West. De bourgeoisie keeps mo'e and mo'e doin' away wid de scattered state uh de populashun, uh de means uh producshun, and uh propuh'ty. Slap mah fro! It gots'ta agglomerated populashun, centralised da damn means uh producshun, and gots'ta concentrated propuh'ty in some few hands. De necessary consequence uh dis wuz political centralisashun. Independent, o' but loosely connected provinces, wid separate interests, laws, guv'ments, and systems uh taxashun, became lumped togeda' into one nashun, wid one guv'ment, one code uh laws, one nashunal class-interest, one frontier, and one customs-tariff. What it is, Mama! De bourgeoisie, durin' its rule uh scarce one hundred years, gots'ta created mo'e massive and mo'e colossal productive fo'ces dan gots' all precedin' generashuns togeder. Ah be baaad... Subjecshun uh Nature’s fo'ces t'man, machinery, applicashun uh chemistry t'industry and agriculture, steam-navigashun, railways, electric telegraphs, clearin' uh whole continents fo' cultivashun, kinalisashun uh rivers, whole populashuns conjured out uh de ground — whut earlia' century had even some presentiment dat such productive fo'ces slumbered in de lap uh social labour? We see den, dig dis: de means uh producshun and uh exchange, on whose foundashun de bourgeoisie built itself down, wuz generated in feudal society. Slap mah fro! At some certain stage in de development uh dese means uh producshun and uh exchange, de condishuns unda' which feudal society produced and 'shanged, de feudal o'ganisashun uh agriculture and manufacturin' industry, in one wo'd, de feudal relashuns uh propuh'ty became no longa' compatible wid de already developed productive fo'ces; dey became so's many fetters. Dey had t'be burst asunder; dey wuz burst asunder. Ah be baaad... Into deir place stepped free competishun, accompanied by some social and political constitushun adapted in it, and da damn economic and political sway uh de bourgeois class. A similar movement be goin' on befo'e our own eyes. Modern bourgeois society, wid its relashuns uh producshun, uh exchange and uh propuh'ty, some society dat gots'ta conjured down such gigantic means uh producshun and uh exchange, be likes de so'cera' who be no longa' able t'control de powers uh de neda' wo'ld whom he gots'ta called down by his spells. Fo' many some decade past da damn histo'y uh industry and commerce be but da damn histo'y uh de revolt uh modern productive fo'ces against modern condishuns uh producshun, against da damn propuh'ty relashuns dat are da damn condishuns fo' de 'esistence uh de bourgeois and uh its rule. What it is, Mama! It be enough t'menshun de commercial crises dat by deir puh'iodical return put da damn existence uh de entire bourgeois society on its trial, each time mo'e dreatenin'ly. Slap mah fro! In dese crises, some great part not only uh de 'esistin' products, but also uh de previously created productive fo'ces, are puh'iodically destroyed. In dese crises, dere boogies out an epidemic dat, in all earlia' epochs, would gots' seemed an absurdity — de epidemic uh over-producshun. Society suddenly finds itself put back into some state uh momentary barbarism; it appears as if some famine, some universal war uh devastashun, had cut off de sdownply uh every means uh subsistence; industry and commerce seem t'be destroyed; and why? A'cuz dere be too much civilisashun, too much means uh subsistence, too much industry, too much commerce. What it is, Mama! De productive fo'ces at da damn disposal uh society no longa' tend t'furda' de development uh de condishuns uh bourgeois propuh'ty; on de contrary, dey gots' become too powerful fo' dese condishuns, by which dey are fettered, and so's soon as dey overcome dese fetters, dey brin' diso'da' into de whole uh bourgeois society, endanga' de 'esistence uh bourgeois propuh'ty. Slap mah fro! De condishuns uh bourgeois society are too narrow t'comprise da damn weald created by dem. 'S coo', bro. And how duz de bourgeoisie git ova' dese crises? On de one hand by enfo'ced destrucshun uh a mass uh productive fo'ces; on de oder, by de conquest uh new markets, and by de mo'e do'ough 'esploitashun uh de old ones. Dat be to say, by pavin' de way fo' mo'e 'estensive and mo'e destructive crises, and by diminishin' de means whereby crises are prevented. De weapons wid which de bourgeoisie felled feudalism t'de ground are now turned against da damn bourgeoisie itself. What it is, Mama! But not only gots'ta de bourgeoisie fo'ged da damn weapons dat brin' dead t'itself; it gots'ta also called into 'esistence da damn men who are t'wield dose weapons — de modern wo'kin' class — de proletarians. In propo'shun as de bourgeoisie, i. Ya' know?e. What it is, Mama!, capital, be developed, in de same propo'shun be de proletariat, de modern wo'kin' class, developed — some class uh labourers, who live only so's long as dey find wo'k, and who find wo'k only so's long as deir labour increases capital. Dese labourers, who must sell demselves piecemeal, are some commodity, likes every oda' article uh commerce, and are consequently 'esposed t'all de vicissitudes uh competishun, t'all de fluctuashuns uh de market. Owin' t'de 'estensive use uh machinery, and t'de division uh labour, de wo'k uh de proletarians gots'ta lost all individual character, and, consequently, all charm fo' de wo'kman. 'S coo', bro. He becomes an appendage uh de machine, and it be only de most simple, most monotonous, and most easily acquired knack, dat be required uh him. 'S coo', bro. Hence, de cost uh producshun uh a wo'kman be restricted, mos' entirely, t'de means uh subsistence dat he requires fo' maintenance, and fo' de propagashun uh his race. What it is, Mama! But da damn price uh a commodity, and derefo'e also uh labour, be equal t'its cost uh producshun. In propo'shun, derefo'e, as de repulsiveness uh de wo'k increases, de wage decreases. Nay mo'e, in propo'shun as de use uh machinery and division uh labour increases, in de same propo'shun de burden uh toil also increases, wheda' by prolongashun uh de wo'kin' hours, by de increase uh de wo'k 'esacted in some given time o' by increased speed uh machinery, etc. Modern Industry gots'ta converted da damn little wo'kshop uh de patriarchal masta' into de great facto'y uh de industrial capitalist. Masses uh labourers, crowded into de facto'y, are o'ganised likes soldiers. As privates uh de industrial army dey are placed unda' de command uh a puh'fect hierarchy uh officers and sergeants. Not only are dey slaves uh de bourgeois class, and uh de bourgeois State; dey are daily and hourly enslaved by de machine, by de overlooker, and, above all, by de individual bourgeois manufactura' himself. What it is, Mama! De mo'e openly dis despotism proclaims gain t'be its end and aim, de mo'e petty, de mo'e hateful and da damn mo'e embitterin' it is. De less de skill and 'esershun uh strengd implied in manual labour, in oda' wo'ds, de mo'e modern industry becomes developed, de mo'e be de labour uh men sdownerseded by dat uh honky chicks. Differences uh age and sex gots' no longa' any distinctive social validity fo' de wo'kin' class. All are instruments uh labour, mo'e o' less 'espensive t'use, acco'din' t'deir age and sex. No soona' is de 'esploitashun uh de laboura' by de manufacturer, so's far, at an end, dat he receives his wages in cash, dan he be set downon by de oda' po'shuns uh de bourgeoisie, de landlo'd, de shopkeepuh', de pawnbroker, etc. De lowa' strata uh de middle class — de little-ass tradessucka's, shopkeepuh's, and retired tradesmen generally, de handicraftsmen and peasants — all dese sink gradually into de proletariat, partly cuz' deir diminutive capital duz not suffice fo' de scale on which Modern Industry be carried on, and be swamped in de competishun wid de large capitalists, partly cuz' deir specialised skill be rendered wo'dless by new medods uh producshun. Dus de proletariat be recruited fum all classes uh de populashun. De proletariat goes drough various stages uh development. Wid its bird begins its struggle wid de bourgeoisie. What it is, Mama! At fust de contest be carried on by individual labourers, den by de wo'ksucka's uh a facto'y, den by de opuh'tive uh one trade, in one locality, against da damn individual bourgeois who directly 'esploits dem. 'S coo', bro. Dey direct deir attacks not against da damn bourgeois condishuns uh producshun, but against da damn instruments uh producshun demselves; dey destroy impo'ted wares dat compete wid deir labour, dey smash t'pieces machinery, dey set facto'ies ablaze, dey seek t'resto'e by fo'ce da damn vanished status uh de wo'kman uh de Middle Ages. At dis stage, de labourers still fo'm an incoherent mass scattered ova' de whole country, and bugger'd down by deir mutual competishun. If anywhere dey unite t'fo'm mo'e compact bodies, dis be not yet da damn consequence uh deir own active union, but uh de union uh de bourgeoisie, which class, in o'da' to attain its own political ends, be compelled t'set da damn whole proletariat in moshun, and be mo'eova' yet, fo' some time, able t'do so. At dis stage, derefo'e, de proletarians do not fight deir enemies, but da damn enemies uh deir enemies, de remnants uh absolute monarchy, de lanwaaay downers, de non-industrial bourgeois, de petty bourgeois. Dus, de whole histo'ical movement be concentrated in de hands uh de bourgeoisie; every victo'y so's obtained be a victo'y fo' de bourgeoisie. What it is, Mama! But wid de development uh industry, de proletariat not only increases in number; it becomes concentrated in greata' masses, its strengd grows, and it feels dat strengd mo'e. What it is, Mama! De various interests and condishuns uh life widin de ranks uh de proletariat are mo'e and mo'e equalised, in propo'shun as machinery obliterates all distincshuns uh labour, and nearly everywhere reduces wages t'de same low level. De growin' competishun among de bourgeois, and da damn resultin' commercial crises, make da damn wages uh de wo'kers eva' mo'e fluctuatin'. De increasin' improvement uh machinery, eva' mo'e rapidly developin', makes deir livelihood mo'e and mo'e precarious; de collisions between individual wo'kmen and individual bourgeois snatch mo'e and mo'e da damn characta' of collisions between two classes. Deredownon, de wo'kers begin t'fo'm combinashuns (Trades’ Unions) against da damn bourgeois; dey club togeda' in o'da' to keep down de rate uh wages; dey found puh'manent associashuns in o'da' to make provision befo'ehand fo' dese occasional revolts. Here and dere, de contest boogies out into riots. Now and den de wo'kers are victo'ious, but only fo' some time. What it is, Mama! De real fruit uh deir battles lies, not in de immediate result, but in de eva' 'spandin' union uh de wo'kers. Dis union be helped on by de improved means uh communicashun dat are created by modern industry, and dat place da damn wo'kers uh different localities in contact wid one anoder. Ah be baaad... It wuz plum dis contact dat wuz needed t'centralise da damn numerous local struggles, all uh de same character, into one nashunal struggle between classes. But every class struggle be a political struggle. What it is, Mama! And dat union, t'attain which de burghers uh de Middle Ages, wid deir miserable highways, required centuries, de modern proletarian, danks t'railways, achieve in some few years. Dis o'ganisashun uh de proletarians into some class, and, consequently into some political party, be continually bein' downset again by de competishun between de wo'kers demselves. But it eva' rises down again, stronger, firmer, mightier. Ah be baaad... It compels legislative recognishun uh particular interests uh de wo'kers, by takin' advantage uh de divisions among de bourgeoisie itself. What it is, Mama! Dus, de ten-hours’ bill in England wuz carried. Altogeda' collisions between de classes uh de old society furder, in many ways, de course uh development uh de proletariat. De bourgeoisie finds itself involved in some constant battle. What it is, Mama! At fust wid de aristocracy; lata' on, wid dose po'shuns uh de bourgeoisie itself, whose interests gots' become antagonistic t'de progress uh industry; at all time wid de bourgeoisie uh fo'eign countries. In all dese battles, it sees itself compelled t'appeal t'de proletariat, t'ax' fo' help, and dus, t'drag it into de political arena. Sheeeiit. De bourgeoisie itself, derefo'e, sdownplies de proletariat wid its own elements uh political and general educashun, in oda' wo'ds, it furnishes de proletariat wid weapons fo' fightin' de bourgeoisie. What it is, Mama! Furder, as we gots' already seen, entire secshuns uh de rulin' class are, by de advance uh industry, precipitated into de proletariat, o' are at least dreatened in deir condishuns uh existence. What it is, Mama! Dese also sdownply de proletariat wid fresh elements uh enlightenment and progress. Finally, in times when de class struggle nears de decisive hour, de progress uh dissolushun goin' on widin de rulin' class, in fact widin de whole range uh old society, assumes such some violent, glarin' character, dat some little-ass secshun uh de rulin' class cuts itself adrift, and joins de revolushunary class, de class dat holds de future in its hands. Just as, derefo'e, at an earlia' puh'iod, some secshun uh de nobility went ova' to de bourgeoisie, so's now some po'shun uh de bourgeoisie goes ova' to de proletariat, and in particular, some po'shun uh de bourgeois ideologists, who gots' raised demselves t'de level uh comprehendin' deo'etically de histo'ical movement as some whole. What it is, Mama! Of all de classes dat stand face t'face wid de bourgeoisie today, de proletariat alone be a really revolushunary class. De oda' classes decay and finally disappear in de face uh Modern Industry; de proletariat be its special and essential product. De lowa' middle class, de little-ass manufacturer, de shopkeepuh', de artisan, de peasant, all dese fight against da damn bourgeoisie, t'save fum 'estincshun deir 'esistence as fracshuns uh de middle class. Dey are derefo'e not revolushunary, but conservative. What it is, Mama! Nay mo'e, dey are reacshunary, fo' dey try t'roll back de wheel uh histo'y. Slap mah fro! If by chance, dey are revolushunary, dey are only so's in view uh deir impendin' transfa' into de proletariat; dey dus defend not deir present, but deir future interests, dey desert deir own standpoint t'place demselves at dat uh de proletariat. De “dangerous class”, [lumpenproletariat] de social scum, dat passively rottin' mass drown off by de lowest layers uh de old society, may, here and dere, be swept into de movement by some proletarian revolushun; its condishuns uh life, however, prepare it far mo'e fo' de part uh a bribed tool uh reacshunary intrigue. What it is, Mama! In de condishun uh de proletariat, dose uh old society at large are already virtually swamped. De proletarian be widout propuh'ty; his relashun t'his mama and children gots'ta no longa' anydin' in common wid de bourgeois family relashuns; modern industry labour, modern subjecshun t'capital, de same in England as in France, in America as in Germany, gots'ta stripped him uh every trace uh nashunal character. Ah be baaad... Law, mo'ality, religion, are t'him so's many bourgeois prejudices, behind which lurk in ambush plum as many bourgeois interests. All de precedin' classes dat gots de downpuh' hand sought t'fo'tify deir already acquired status by subjectin' society at large t'deir condishuns uh appropriashun. De proletarians kinnot become masters uh de productive fo'ces uh society, 'sept by abolishin' deir own previous mode uh appropriashun, and dereby also every oda' previous mode uh appropriashun. Dey gots' nodin' uh deir own t'secure and t'fo'tify; deir mission be to destroy all previous securities fo', and insurances of, individual propuh'ty. Slap mah fro! All previous histo'ical movements wuz movements uh mino'ities, o' in de interest uh mino'ities. De proletarian movement be de self-conscious, independent movement uh de immense majo'ity, in de interest uh de immense majo'ity. Slap mah fro! De proletariat, de lowest stratum uh our present society, kinnot stir, kinnot raise itself down, widout da damn whole sdownerincumbent strata uh official society bein' sprung into de air. Ah be baaad... Dough not in substance, yet in fo'm, de struggle uh de proletariat wid de bourgeoisie be at fust some nashunal struggle. What it is, Mama! De proletariat uh each country must, uh course, fust uh all settle matters wid its own bourgeoisie. What it is, Mama! In depictin' de most general phases uh de development uh de proletariat, we traced da damn mo'e o' less veiled civil war, ragin' widin 'esistin' society, down t'de point where dat war boogies out into jimmey revolushun, and where da damn violent overdrow uh de bourgeoisie lays de foundashun fo' de sway uh de proletariat. 'Sup, dudederto, every fo'm uh society gots'ta been based, as we gots' already seen, on de antagonism uh oppressin' and oppressed classes. But in o'da' to oppress some class, certain condishuns must be assho' nuffd t'it unda' which it kin, at least, continue its slavish 'esistence. What it is, Mama! De serf, in de puh'iod uh serfdom, raised himself t'membership in de commune, plum as de petty bourgeois, unda' de yoke uh de feudal absolutism, managed t'develop into some bourgeois. De modern labourer, on de contrary, instead uh risin' wid de process uh industry, sinks deepuh' and deepuh' below de condishuns uh existence uh his own class. He becomes some padowner, and padownerism develops mo'e rapidly dan populashun and weald. And here it becomes evident, dat da damn bourgeoisie be unfit any longa' to be da damn rulin' class in society, and t'impose its condishuns uh existence downon society as an over-ridin' law. It be unfit t'rule cuz' it be incompetent t'assho' nuff an 'esistence t'its slave widin his slavery, cuz' it kinnot help lettin' him sink into such some state, dat it gots'ta t'feed him, instead uh bein' fed by him. 'S coo', bro. Society kin no longa' live unda' dis bourgeoisie, in oda' wo'ds, its 'esistence be no longa' compatible wid society. Slap mah fro! De essential condishuns fo' de 'esistence and fo' de sway uh de bourgeois class be de fo'mashun and augmentashun uh capital; de condishun fo' capital be wage-labour. Ah be baaad... Wage-labour rests 'slusively on competishun between de labourers. De advance uh industry, whose involuntary promota' is de bourgeoisie, replaces de isolashun uh de labourers, due t'competishun, by de revolushunary combinashun, due t'associashun. De development uh Modern Industry, derefo'e, cuts fum unda' its feet da damn very foundashun on which de bourgeoisie produces and appropriates products. What da damn bourgeoisie derefo'e produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and da damn victo'y uh de proletariat are equally inevitable. What it is, Mama!