Snowman Fight

Day 1,857, 19:18 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

^Probably the last time I'll use that^

The Battle
So there I was standing on the battle field, snow building up all around me, and I realized I was caught in a battle with a demonic snow man, I looked around and I knew there was no turning back, my mind raced and I thought what could I do, and I knew, there was no help from Greeling coming. Next thing I knew the snowman was attacking and an epic battle ensued, one that would go on for the course of an hour and 20 minutes.

After the battle came to an end I stood in the devastation caused by the actions taken to ensure my survival and the defeat of the demonic snowman, when I heard shouts from outraged people in the distance.

And if you think I got messed up in the fight, well I'd say go look at the other guy but he's nothing more than a puddle in a crater now. But anyway I looked to the shouts expecting them to be calling for me to be taken down from what I'd done to the area, instead they were just people campaigning for various political offices, so decided to start my own campaign to find Nessie.

-Fed line since regular lines are dull, and I don't have my own special ones yet HAHAAHAHAHA.-

Night time reflection

Later that night I sat in an abandoned church listening to Livin' on a Prayer., and thinking about the things I've done in my elife, but that was far too depressing so I decided to go down to the Revolutionary Bar err retirement home to visit my Nanny, along the way I ran into Molly Jo and mzCielly outside talking about the Joys of Pink, and a beggar who wanted 300 gold, but alas I could not help him so I continued my walk. After visiting my Nanny, I headed to the forest to try and receive advice from the Lord, sadly none came. But while I sat there feeling depressed I witnessed a Shogun Squirrel and a rather Mazzy Cat playing a game of poker, before I left the forest I gave the two my last bagel, after that I returned to the solitude of my abandoned church to rest until the next round of trials would come.