Day 519, 12:37 Published in Romania Croatia by Crocky

Hello again my dear readers!!

After a while I came back with an article that is possible to surprise the ones who know me.
The moment in which I decided to write it down was when I finished reading the last article of Darkplayer82.

I know that many of you are glad that such a great player is leaving. Many aren't so happy about it and here I am speaking about those people who got involved so hard in this game and put so much time and feelings in it. Many of them put even real money. Sincerely, I regret this. Without him, wars won't be so fun anymore because his actions were very calculated and he never showed up alone. Wars were getting tougher and unpredictable in their final minutes and many of us find the most fun in exactly that kind of moments.

Now, I have to clear up some things! I don't praise Darkplayer82 in this article.I just wanted to point out some things. If the number one of this game have decided to give it up, something bad has happened. I just try to find the right link between these facts.

In this game, everyday more people are coming in. A lots of them are brand new players. But among them are a lot of fakers who are desperately tying to earn extra money or few medals. About this kind of players I want to talk. After the admins's stubbornness of not implementing citizenship faster, fakes or multies are the most damaging thing in erepublik.

As the title says, I need to be more explicit so I am trying. As someone said in an article wrote in a real online gazette which was meant to promote this game, the way a player behaves in here, is identically with his everyday behavior.

Hypocrites are everywhere. Real life is full of them. Now, eRepublik is full, too. Does anyone knows why? Because some players were getting here just to show off. If real life behavior is well know and very predictable and their stupidity has no limits, they entered here with a single thought in min😛 To destroy other people recreation. Just like a stupid child who's single concern when he's at school is to beat kids weaker than him.

Unfortunately, every single one of us bear a blame for permitting this kind of things to happen both in RL and Erep. I my opinion eRep' citizen is a reflection in a venetian mirror of RL citizen. If in RL he is frustrated, in here he will try to prove something but eventually will fail just like in RL and will become even more frustrated than in RL. Funny!! Everything has a link. Just like a cyclic novel.

As in RL, Erep has its own puppets and these are the ones who are doing everything according to a high-ranked "friend's"pieces of advice. In RL they are probably security dogs and anything wrong is happening they are going to report it to his master.

But, not all things are bad. RL and erepublik has also fair citizens who are doing everything according rules. Yes, it is true. Some rules must be changed to avoid bad things as takeovers, stealing votes, treasures, countries, territories. Yes, all were done according rules. But admins are real and as real life politicians they sometimes promote bad laws. Then they try to straight things up a bit in our own eyes trying to manipulate us. Just like in RL. I wanted to make this article a cyclic one so I will end this way.

Everyone has the right to chose. Many don't have the power. For me eRep is still a playable and enjoyable game. With your help maybe someday I'll get MEDIA MOGUL medal. I just want to earn this by playing fair and make you to enjoy my articles.

Darkplayer82 made his choice!!He pressed LOGOUT button for good. Let's see if he has the power to stay away from us and from those captivating wars in which we are fighting.

Thank you all for reading,
Crocky- a fair citizen

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