She's Leaving Home

Day 725, 07:10 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors
Wednesday morning at five o'clock as the day begins
Silently closing her bedroom door
Leaving the note that she hoped would say more
She goes downstairs to the kitchen clutching her handkerchief
Quietly turning the backdoor key
Stepping outside she is free.

EDEN/Brolliance Nations Celebrate

Yesterday was Friday the 13th. Traditionally, Friday the 13th is viewed as a "day of bad luck". This goes back to the day that an uncountable number of Templar Knights were assassinated in the name of the Church. Legend has it that a curse was brought upon that day, and every Friday the 13th since then. Now I am sure most of us don't believe in that superstitious mumbo-jumbo, but something tells me that if you ask the rank of PEACE GC, they will agree that Friday the 13th is VERY UNLUCKY!!!

Coming right off of the heels of the resignation of PEACE GC membership by Italy (see THE COURAGE TO SAY NO -, the imperialistic alliance was dealt what could be a deathblow as Indonesia also quit PEACE GC ( ). With nations dropping out of PEACE GC left and right, the only question is "Who's Next?!?!"

As hinted by the eUSA Secretary of State, this is only the beginning (see ). I am still waiting to talk about something else, which I am not yet allowed to talk about as a matter of national security, so I think I know what Secretary Cerb is talking about. I will say this... when this news is made public, it will be EPIC!!!

Now I will be the first to admit that I did NOT vote for Josh Frost for ePOTUS. I was a Jewitt supporter and I consider PigInZen to be one of my closest friends in the game, so I voted for Jew/Pig (I still think that is the most ironic name for a team ever). Truthfully, I hadn't had much interaction with the enigmas known as Frost and Woxan prior to the election. Conversely, I speak to Jewitt and PigInZen regularly, and that affected my vote. I will say that since the election, I have spoken to Frost more and I will also say that I am greatly impressed. I, like most people, thought Frost would be a warmonger and that diplomacy would be a thing of the past. I want to publically say that I WAS WRONG and that I am glad I was wrong.

Frost first filled his Cabinet with strong people who are doing an amazing job; most notably the State Department. Secretary Cerb has been in 5AM meetings with government officials in Italy, helping to usher in their withdrawal from PEACE GC. Bradley Reala - the Deputy Secretary of State - has also been busy doing a bang up job in that department. We will be having a word with Dep. Secretary Reala soon, as I plan to interview him in the coming days.

What's amazing about all of this is the fact that Frost and his Cabinet are NOT declaring war on everyone. Instead, they are defeating PEACE GC with the greatest weapon of all - DIPLOMACY! For that, I applaud Frost, Cerb, Reala, and everyone else in the Cabinet. Great job, Guys!

Fellow Congressman CrashNBurn (Fed-WV) and I have started an new org known as the Alliance for Good Government - . WATCHDOG is the official paper of the alliance, and the first article contains the org's Mission Statement. I am looking to sign many people up to the official AGG Forum - - so that we can all discuss the direction of the new non-partisan think tank and political watchdog group. If you are tired of the cronyism of the eUSA and would like to see responsible and respectable leaders in government, please join. And don't forget to chime in in the discussions - I want this to be a great org that values the opinions of many people and follows the consensus of the majority.

The past two weeks have been insane for me in the New World. The whole over-inflated debacle about the spending freeze, followed by the loss of two close friends in the New World, FiveScott and now Alex Lorre; even made me reconsider how involved I wanted to be. But the Alliance for Good Government has given me more drive once again, as has two new rewards. One is my THIRD HARD WORKER award; the other is the SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION of the eUSA military's TRAINING CORPS. I have applied to the HOME GUARD to continue my military service and also the COAST GUARD.

[*] Breaking News
[*] Interview with DSoS Bradley Reala
[*] Congress Campaign Announcement