SFP Long March to Glory (THE FEDS ARE EVIL)

Day 3,157, 08:31 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

SFP Long March to Glory
The bourgeois have been happy to give us a small seat at the children's table for now, but ever the bourgeois are not content with such an arrangement. They are looking for any excuse to suppress the authentic will of the people in name of protecting the order of the state. It comes down to not those of the left or the right in principle, but it is a choice. Do we live in good or bad faith as a nation. You can continue supporting the Federalists and the aura of parties surrounding them or you can be liberated to make your own choices.

The SFP presents you something unique... authentic choice. Tomorrow you can wake up and change the world in the SFP. Very few groups in this game give people the radical ability of true choice. There is always the boogie man on the edge waiting, the barbarian at our gate that will destroy everything we worked for in this game.... its just a game.

You may disagree with the SFP on some political issues, but we need to understand that the people running this country have for many years chosen a path of evil and fear. When the FEDS weren't on top it was the USWP and the others that use to run the game. I encourage any party who has worked among the establishment outside of the SFP to break of their alliance and forge a path good faith.

We have a president that has really done nothing and continues to do so, but we keep on electing him, because hey he did that one thing awhile ago so NATIONAL HERO! He has already admitted on QNN live that he only really cares about the power and is going to keep running this place for as long as he can. Not because he is the best leader or has vision, but for power. eUSA simply has allowed this to happen the entire time I have played this game. That is the reason I joined the SFP back in the day.

QNN Quicky

Debate with Dylan Thomas10 and Gnilraps coming soon to QNN Live stay posted.

Major Trite killed by a roaming band of dioists; his resurrection at six.

New Exposed Article: Keeping the powerful held accountable!

QNN and WHPR showdown at high noon.

The made up adventures of eUSA #4