Savez se uzdize/ Rise of alliance [srb/eng[

Day 1,183, 03:45 Published in Serbia Romania by Don Ori

EDIT- Poljska jedinica POG i njen stats za BiH ( preko 800.000 dmg)

Svi smo bili zabrinuti proteklih dana zbog nasih novih saveza. Ja licno sam udarao za Spaniju i Poljsku proteklih dana koliko sam mogao za svoj mali lvl, kao i mnogi drugi, ali nisam video nesto njih da rade isto to previse. Ali ovih dana to se menja...

U borbi za Federation of BiH veliku pomoc su nam upravo pruzili poljaci (naravno tu su bili i svi stari saveznici). Pa bih hteo da ovim clankom pozdravim igrace MacArr, Growin, Hormonek, viktyma, smrtan, Drizzt Do Urden 2010, Grzegorz Mularski, Kyouraku Shunsui, DeJoT, Cerber, Manedhel, Palhessi i da im se zahvalim za pomoc. Bilo je tu jos mnogo drugih koji su udarali, a nisu pomenuti ovde.

ENG version

EDIT- Polish group POG and their stats for BiH (over 800.000dmg)

We were all worried in the past couple of days because of our new alliances . I have been fighting for Spain and Poland in last couple of days as much as i could for my still weak str, so as many others, and i was worried because i haven't seen them do the same to much. But this days it is changing...

In the battle for Federation of BiH great help we got from Poland (of course there were all old allies as well). So i would like with this article to salute following players: MacArr, Growin, Hormonek, viktyma, smrtan, Drizzt Do Urden 2010, Grzegorz Mularski, Kyouraku Shunsui, DeJoT, Cerber, Manedhel, Palhessi and to thank them for their help. There were many other players who were fighting for us, and i am sorry that they weren't mentioned here.

Hail Poland.
Hail Serbia.
Hail NWO.
Hail to all allies.

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