Running for Party President

Day 3,280, 03:55 Published in Japan Ireland by Galloglaigh

Hello Jinmin Sensen! It's me Angelo Sauper, Commander of Jiyuu Nippon Gun. Today I come before you to ask for your vote for Party President. There are currently three players running.

Sterling Kinghtt seems to be running for the hell of it, while Shirosakura made some articles for her Campaign. The Central Committee has selected me to carry out the duties of Party President. Shirosakura is running on a platform of seeking cooperation with the Totalitarian Régime, which is a 180° shift from what the Party has been used to.

With the recent negotiations failing and the restoration of a Dictatorship, this Party is still the most Popular Front for a pluralist Democracy in Japan. Recently I ran for President, I failed to win but I still have been working on my Campaign goals regardless.

A little about me. First I wasn't eborn in Japan. I first started this game in eFrance in December 2008. I jumped around on new accounts for a while and ended up in Ireland in October 2009. Due to an Impeachment I was a half-President there, and served multiple times in Congress. I was a Commander in their Armed Forces, but due to changes made in the Military in Ireland I left the country on the behest of President Emerick. In the eUSA I found Dioism, served many times in Congress and helped Command their 'Tank' Forces for a while.

Because of my new faith I soon traveled to Pakistan where I was in Congress a lot and Served as President five times. But the country never seemed to grow, so I moved around a lot. Mind you I took long breaks from the game that's why my Strength is relatively low now. I got into Japan recently and liked the place. I served in Congress twice but soon left due to economic reasons. With the latest Liberation I have returned, now as a Commander. With your help I will be your Party President.