RISE Congress Candidates for Movember

Day 1,800, 04:46 Published in South Africa South Africa by Badger06

RISE Congress Candidates for Movember

In no particular order we have

The Lord of the underworld, our current PP and a Marine - a worthy candidate

The Queen of RISE, she has to put up with Had3z, congress will be a breeze

Josep Rich
JR is the current Vice President of RISE, he is actively involved in congress and cabinet. Congress would be better of with JR in it.

A stalwart and founding member, always willing to offer his help support and advice. A must for congress.

Fayt Ahicu
Fayt Ahicu, keeps on climbing up and up and theres no knowing where he will stop. Vote for RISE and see him excell in Congress again.

Madalin Masterstrap
Relatively new, but getting more and more involved each day, one of the parties bright stars for th future

Fun Duhh Fault
A funny guy that has had me laughing a couple times, congress would enjoy his company

Jen Avis
A young star in RISE, mostly quiet but helps when she is needed

Away From Keyboard
Seems like a safe bet if his notorious friends dont ruin the party for him

Dont know much about this guy but he has a cool picture.

Neptun Steel
Dont know much about this guy but he likes Futurama which is a cool show.

Good luck to all running for Congress.

Together we RISE to fight again !!!

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