RFC Convention Info Q/A

Day 366, 17:46 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

The RFC convention is scheduled for Friday, November 21st at 8 PM central and it will be held in IRC if you need help getting into IRC or do not know how there are instructions later in this article, no download is required. I would appreciate if those going could RSVP in this thread.

What is the RFC Convention?

The RFC convention is a place where everyone can gather regardless of rank or affiliation and discuss maters relating to the party and the nation. It is open floor so anybody who attends can voice their opinion (unless it spam or offends someone). This is a good way for new members in the party to get their feet wet in how things are run.

Who is allowed in the convention room?

Everyone is welcome, I know their are a few of you who want to join the party but can't due to level restrictions so I am not going to leave you out. We all were at the bottom once and these new members will be the future of the party so I will not discriminate against them. Members of other parties are allowed in as well however I would appreciate it if they would let people know that they are in another party to avoid confusion.

What will be discussing?

The top priority of this convention will be the upcoming congressional elections. I still need some spots to fill so if you are a level 12 or higher send me a PM and I can get you up for congress. After that make sure to apply on the party page as well as I need everyone to do that even the ones who I have already named candidates. After that I will give a quick little overview of my 1st term and field any questions people may have. After that we will go into open discussion about issues relating to erepublik.

What time is the convention?

Like I said earlier it will be at 8PM central time this Friday on IRC if you do not know what that is in your time then here is the conversion.

East Coast- 9PM
Central- 8PM
Mountain- 7PM
West Coast- 6PM

What is IRC and how do I join it?

IRC is something like a chat room that we use to chat with one another. It does not require any download and can be run on any browser. These instructions should get you to the chat room for the U.S. once you get in there we will give directions for you to get into the convention room.

If you don't know how to join IRC just follow these easy steps (No download required)

1. Go to this website http://rizon.net/
2. On the right side of the page hit launch IRC
3. Enter your username and you should be taken to a large room
4. Type in the command /join #us and hit enter to be taken to the U.S. chat room