Return of the French to the Americas?

Day 270, 19:33 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Quebec, Canada- There is a growing separatist movement in Quebec under the leadership of Eric Boucher. There goal is to make Quebec a part of France. Many of Quebec's French-Canadian citizens are in support of the separation citing their many reason as the fact that they seem to identify more with the French. They claim that the Canadian media tends to use English a lot more then French and that it is not very bilingual. There may have also been some real life tensions that may of found their way into the game.

Canada's president has recently issued a statement saying that they saw any attempt by a foreign nation to annex Canada as an act of war. Following this France then issued a statement which basically said that they will not go against the will of Canada. Pakistan however has issued support for the separatist movement although they can not do much at the moment. The United States is currently neutral and will not make a statement about their involvement until the cabinet and president discuss the situation collectively.

France and Canada are about equal in size and both in the Mediterranean alliance. If war were to erupt (which is against the French president's current stance) France would have a rough time taking Quebec without a good deal of foreign support. Although war does not seem likely anytime soon this situation is worth watching and we will monitor it closely as it does have the potential. Several people have suggested this go up to a vote in Canada but the majority of people outside of Quebec are against the separation.

I recently had an interview with Eric Boucher about the situation. The Interview below should clear up some questions you may have about the situation. Due to English not being his native tongue I had to change some grammar problems but I did not want to change too much so here is the interview

DF: Lets get the obvious question out of the way first. Why do you want Quebec to secede from Canada and join France?

Eric Boucher: Our Languages , simply , Canada always hate our difference and we see it today (Canada's media) , France use us language , easy to see why we choose this country but some people say "why don't be simply e-quebec ?" because we can't defend ourselves from reprisal of Canada.

DF: Who have you been working with on this project both at the local and international levels?

Eric Boucher: Me , bruno , some people from France (not really the government)
and Pakistan government and people. We currently try to add USA ,
defender of Freedom

DF: France seems to be siding with Canada at the moment. Do you think that will change and if not what kind of impact do you suppose that would have on your movement?

Eric Boucher: I think the government of France are simply afraid of Canada ... because
peoples live in France generally support us... i seriously think that USA
favor will change France status and a survey will be made to be sure we
have Quebec's populations with us

DF: Pakistan is the only country to express support for your cause right now, do you expect that to change soon? Earlier you mentioned the United States as a country you are working with and hope to get the support of. Are there any other nations you are hoping to get support from at this time?

Eric Boucher: not currently but if USA support is not gained , I will try these countries


Those are the countries i will try if USA is not gained, i might try Indonesia

DF: How long do you see this situation playing out?

Eric Boucher: a month ... , there is alot of time.

DF: Have you had any success on the political side of things? such as forming a party and gaining spots in Parliament?

Eric Boucher: no , government of Canada really opposite to this , they say , if we have

100 % of population with us , they will NEVER allow it to happen , WAR is

necessary. i don't like war but ... hmmm ...

DF: Seeing as Canada and France are both members of the Mediterranean alliance have you contacted any of the
other countries in the Mediterranean alliance? I know the alliance is quite dead but the Mpps are still active.

Eric Boucher: not yet , i currently only talk to Canada , France , Pakistan and USA. I started two days ago.

DF: Those are all the questions I have, Is there anything else you would like to add?

Eric Boucher: Yes, please get people to read our [Canadian] media to stay on subject

DF: Thank you very much for your time I will have this in an article up shortly