Real Action, Real Life

Day 1,659, 17:53 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

Hello, I am comrade MikeBane. I only ask for your eyes and keen minds when reading everything after this sentence. This may not apply to a lot of you; It is mainly directed at those living in the United States. Even if you do not live in said country, then you can show your support if you wish. All support is very much appreciated.

I speak to you all about the real-life political organization called the "Social Revolutionary Movement of America" (SRMA). The United States has been a hub of ignorant minded conservatives for far too long; Our media fills the youth with filth ideas such as "hate speech = free speech" and so tolerating it somehow has become acceptable. It is spreading ignorance and hatred, so SRMA will bash-back to let them know that it will not be tolerated by the public anymore.

Social justice isn't the only thing SRMA concerns itself with, we also urge localized democratization projects and emphasize the need for 'green' technology along with sustainable development & lifestyles.

This group is initiating, but soon it will hopefully become a useful organization that will start spinning the wheel of localized socialism. Currently, a manifesto is being written and our organization's views on policy will be discussed shortly. We need you!

Our Mission
-Work toward a more participatory democratic system

-Ensure that civil liberties are kept sacred

-Complete secularization of the public sector

-Aid the poor, the oppressed, and the common citizen

-Educate others about the consequences of consumerist-capitalist culture

-Achieve relative economic equality

-End the 'War on Drugs'

-Promote more direct democratic functions of local governments

-Advocate sustainable lifestyles and development

-Eliminate misconceptions and inform about social justice and 'socialism'

-To emphasize the need for a 'green technological revolution'

-Implement a mixed-member proportional representation electoral system

-End tolerance of racist-sexist-homophobic-ethnocentric public remarks

CLICK HERE to view our Facebook page!

AND LASTLY, I hope Winston Hope Smith wins the elections. He is a good man, great leader.