Radio Los Cayos Broadcasting!

Day 464, 10:18 Published in USA Spain by Pechorin

Hi everybody!

I would like to start with an introduction of myself, life and miracles as we say in my country, but that will be not very interesting for the few people who are going to read this article. We all can wait for that, I am pretty sure.

Let me write then about Florida and the last elections in Florida.

Florida, the sunshine State as it is called, is nowadays one of the most populated regions of USA and one of the main reasons is its Hospital. At least that is the reason why I came here, because of the recommendation of India president, but that is different story.

Well, the more populated regions are normally more difficult places for get a congress seat. When someone try to compite for one of these regions has to be well-prepared and have a complete political program. So, as more prepared you are and better is your program more probabilities to win you have... or maybe not.

I try to inform myself about the different candidates before the election day, I must say that I do not receive any kind of propaganda before this day and believe me I don't complain, and what I foun😛

- Lack of programs.
- General proposal, nothing specific.
- Lack of references to Florida (they could be running for any other state), except for "Go Florida"
- and something interesting, why do not try to write few sentences in Spanish?

I know that eR is just a game but it is not more funny if we try to do things as best as we can, or at least better. It is just an opinion because I am just a citizen.

Commentary in Spanish:

En la RL el estado de Florida está poblado por muchos hispanohablantes, en la RL los políticos intentan siempre hablar algo de español cuando hacen campaña aqui así que se puede pedir algo parecido a los políticos de eR. De todos modos, no creo que la diferencia sea que hablen o dejen de hablar en español pero si es un detalle que demuestra cierto nivel de esfuerzo. Yo al menos es un detalle que agradezco. Quizás con el tiempo podamos ir todos mejorando en este aspecto, el que quiera mejorar su español y el que necesite mejorar el inglés, como es mi caso 😉

Commentary for my suscriptors in Spain:

Bueno, yo estoy de vuelta en el ruedo, aunque no creo que vaya a hacer gran cosa puesto que no tengo mucho tiempo por intentarlo no pierdo nada. Espero que os vaya a todos bien por españa (o Francia como charrito, si me estás leyendo) y como ahora voy leyendo las noticias me puedo ir enterando de lo que pasa por ahi 🙂


Pechorin, Florida's citizen