Radical Views #1

Day 2,382, 15:59 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

This paper use to be called Socialism and Stuff for a time. I have grown a little older and a I guess a bit wiser? In order to better reflect my ideas I have changed this paper to Radical Views. It will still present left wing ideas, but a few changes(Better Grammar As Well XD). I have a summer ahead of me to fight and struggle with my comrades before I go back to school in the fall.

I am going to run for Party President of the Socialist Freedom Party so remember to vote for me. Remember a vote for me REALLY is a vote for communism. I want to work back into the party and the military unit.

Since I got back I noticed that we have invaded canada. If we get to have Canada's resources, do we also get their universal healthcare?

Also you now have Cuba as a country... I may think about defecting there sometime soon. 😉

Vote and Sub! Strong Non Objectified Communist Women!