QNN Decision July 2016 LIVE STREAM and CP Endoursement

Day 3,149, 19:11 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

Live stream we are going to be covering the election here at QNN with a new live broadcast with guests such as Middletopia and more. A link will be given to the stream once it goes live so stay posted. If you are interested in appearing on QNN Decision July 2016 Live just message me with a time you want to be on to discuss the upcoming election or just for fun. In addition I will have a live election update on screen to look official.

Stay posted because I will post specific times guest will be on the stream here.

Live with Ronald and Yui at 12:00

I am announcing my support for a candidate
I wanted to support Derphoof, but I realised that my dream will never be realized so I intend to support that best candidate running. That candidate who will change eUSA for the best and is qualified. His name does not contain the letters U and Y. His name does not contain numbers and is not The RAVEN BG.