Presidential Update

Day 960, 11:03 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967
Thank You

Firstly, thanks to the people of eIreland who voted on election day, as well as the other candidates, who are both great servants to eIreland. I also want to say thanks to moo who made some tough decisions over the course of the past week. I'm happy to say that he will be staying on in Government this term. Thanks also to all parties who supported me, I will do my utmost to repay your faith in me. Labour, Saoirse, Eire Aointaithe and anyone else who showed support, without you I would not be where I am now.


*Some have yet to be confirmed due to eRepublik being down.

VP- moomoohead
Defence- Cpl Useless
CoS- Conor Larkin
Finance - Appleman and TBC
Industry - Paschoall and Connell
Community - Einberliner and Moonbeam
Foreign Affairs - Kolshire and Brian Boru
New Citizens - Bristel Akina and supermanghe
Information - James Ferrin
Immigration - Marcus Suridius
Health - Paschoall
Education - Sean Power, Mirek12345, Octavius Dryst
Recruitment--Celtic Tiger611
Beer- Yddub Emwolb
Lulz- Glorious Connolly and Joe Hitman

It is not clear yet what role the MoH will have in V2 and it is possible that ministry will be rolled into the Education ministry.

North Dakota Team

Sargant Stefanos

Everyone is welcome to apply for Deputy Positions in these Ministries by contacting the ministry you are interested in or by contacting the minister directly. We need all the help we can get this month so if you have the time then please come and help us.

Cabinet Meeting:

Thursday 9pm Irish Time on IRC. Will PM with more details.


It's with a little bit of sorrow that I have to stand down from my duties in the ICA. I'm sure you guys will do just fine. You know how much I respect you all and I don't need to tell you that here.


Conor Larkin will be the CoS for this term. He has some forward thinking ideas for the IDF and I want to help him reach some of his goals. His positive reaction to losing out on the Presidency sets a good example to eIreland. To learn how to win, you must first learn how to lose. I think Conor has managed to do both here and he has gone up in my estimation. I wish him the best of luck in this position.

First on the Agenda

First on the agenda this month will be the closure of the wars that we have opened. We will need to do this so that we can sign MPPs and also re-open trade with the countries in question. We will not need to sign any MPPs just yet though as the war module will not be active for at least a week. We will need to use this downtime to restock and organise our state companies.


Or Rising, whatever it's called. The whole eWorld is going to change and we must change with it. As such, at this stage, we will need to be reactive, as well as alert. Our Ministries are going to have to work harder this month than ever before. There will be an added responsibility on them this month, as there will be on me. If possible I want to get as many parties represented in Government this term as possible. I will aim for frequent and consistent Cabinet meetings to assess where we are at as we go along. I also want each Ministry to have its own IRC Channel so that Ministers and their deputies can get down to business. Anyone who thinks they can help should come forward and do just that. The truth is that no-one in erepublik can truly say they are prepared for this. It will take time for the whole world to adapt. Let us start this with a positive attitude and make short work of the obstacles in our way. I am asking eIreland to give me everything you have this month and I will work just as hard along with you.


We need to make this a very active month for IRC usage. A huge push for it's promotion is needed. A player who is on IRC is twice as useful as one who is not. We need to drive that point home. In particular I want to ask cabinet members to be as active as they can be on IRC. I understand we can't always be on due to real life commitments, but I will ask for just a little extra from everybody this month.

Operation Emerald Flight

On the day of the election I contacted the candidate who went on to win the election in the US. I made him aware of our concerns on the region of North Dakota. I will negotiate a more favourable price for us. If the price I take back is not to the liking of the majority of the Dail, then I will ask the Dail to settle on a figure they think would be fair. I will personally make up the difference. So the region will not cost anymore than what eIreland agrees on. Failing all that, we will have a public referendum on the matter and if the people of Ireland decide that we do not want the region then I will send Moving Tickets and Gold to Padraig Pearse to go and RW the region back to the US. My Treasure Map Gold will be the first to be donated to the "IBhoy and moo are idiots for taking us to the other side of the world to rent a region fund". Also, with this new economic module that we now have, nobody knows how each industry will be affected. It's possible that the grain industry will be re-vitalised. It's possible that it won't. We have a chance to test it out so why the hell not. We will have a team dedicated to overseeing the regions progression. Some of you may have seen that myself and Gonzo had a very heated, and very public row in the middle of the war. We have spoken a few times since and the outcome has been that the past is the past and we will both roll our sleeves up and get stuck into giving the region our best shot for the sake of eIreland. Gonzo will be an important part of the team I just mentioned. That is how a real man conducts himself. This is the level of maturity, and the type of attitude that I want eIreland to show in all areas for the coming month. I am not going to allow V2 to kick off with another shitstorm and if I have to pay out of my own pocket to make sure of that then by Jaysus I will.

In the June Presidential elections, all candidates ran on an agenda of war. This obviously entailed attacking Northern Ireland and activating the MPPs of the entire Phoenix alliance against us. The cost of doing that would almost certainly have been the loss of our country, not to mention the cost of attacks and of declaring war itself. Now correct me if I am wrong, but do we now not have possession of two new regions, one being Northern Ireland? We did not have to pay to open the war, the UK paid for that. We did not have to pay for any attacks, Poland covered all of those. We have had countless RWs, again, not paid for by us and we will certainly have more of them. We lost 2 Q5 Hospitals which we were given the sum of 600 Gold for, more than enough to cover the cost. Think about it this way, if we had gone and activated those Phoenix MPPs we would have lost all of our Hospitals, and I doubt the UK would re-imburse us for them either. On top of that we would have lost respect, even from our own allies. The war that we just had was the clever option and we have gained much respect for how we handled it. We can hold our heads a little bit higher now in the New World. To quote Castaneda, that is PRICELESS. I personally am very proud of eIreland. We learned a lot about ourselves and we learned a lot about the game itself. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard and to those who spent their hard earned Gold to fight. There really are too many eIrish people that deserve credit for me to start naming them and I would surely leave someone out if I tried. I would also like to mention that our allies deserve plenty of thanks from us, but I can tell you now that there are two guys, neither of them Irish who deserve a special mention. They have stood with eIreland each and everytime they were called, and sometimes without even having to be called. They have used large amounts of their own Gold to fight for eIreland, time and time again. I am going to ask any Irish person reading this right now to take a minute and add both of these guys to your friends list. I am bestowing on each of them the title of "Honourary Irishman"

Speedcat McNasty

tl;dr Section

We will all have some good and bad memories of V1. For the most part, I have enjoyed playing it immensely. The sad part for me was that eIreland waited until the last week of V1 to actually start playing it properly. The major cause of that in my eyes was a childish lack of respect when dealing with each other. We are all guilty of it. None of us can be right all the time and at the end of the day this is a game. It should not cause such animosity between people. We have a chance at a fresh start now. Let's go into V2 in the right manner. Let's go into it like real Irishmen and women. Roll your sleeves up and do the work. If not, then don't try to take down the people who are. Play the game with the right attitude and most importantly of all, enjoy it.

As President I will only make you one promise, I will do everything I can to bring some success to this country.

Lets Get Sh*t Done.

P.S. Small Tip For Today

Thanks to Connolly James for this small tip on Rising, it may help you a little in starting the new module.

4 hours library
4 hours training
8 hours working
8 hours resting

All with the free booster


-2.9 health
-3.0 happiness

P.P.S. Bug with Min Wage.

There seems to be a bug setting the minimum wage at 1.4 IEP per hour instead of per day. Our TDs are also unable to propose this to be changed to anything lower than 1 IEP. We will agree on a general ticket in the dail and send to the admins.

Is mise,