President Connors?

Day 813, 19:05 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

EDIT: Listen to The Jude Connors Show ON DEMAND

USWP Party Presidential Run
Jude Connors Show

USWP Party Presidential Run

I OFFICIALLY am announcing my candidacy for Party President of the United States Workers Party.

As most of USWPers know, I came back to USWP about a month and a half ago after spending some quality time there while in Congress. I have since been very active with the party and currently serve on the Executive Board where I have been taking the initiative to get the ball rolling on a few things.

I am a natural leader and numerous people in game have had much experience with me in matters of government and/or party affairs. I look to improve retention and want to see more members active in the forums. My heart is and always has been with the USWP and it's success. Sometimes I may get a little heated, but the party's success means that much to me.

I have served as a Regional PAC and have had three terms in Congress - two of them being in Congressional Leadership. I am currently serving my third straight term as Secretary of the Interior and I am a Lieutenant Colonel in the eUSA Army. I serve as Co-Director of the USA Welcoming Committee and I am the founder of The Salvation Army. If elected, I will serve as USWP Party President with the same enthusiasm and intensity that I given to all of my other endeavors.

USWPers can see more in an upcoming post in the USWP Forums.

(image by fingerguns)

Jude Connors Show

Episode Three of The Jude Connors Show is tonight at Midnight Eastern / 2100 game time (PST). Tonight I unveil a new theme song (no more "Hey Jude") and my guests are multi-time Congressman, Cabinet member, and Lib party President DanielCD and the ever-entertaining troll extraordinare, Zoli. As always, join me in chat during the show in my IRC Office or hang out with Lord Pariah in the show chat (He will be identified as me - heh).

I expect to open the lines tonight as well to accept your calls.

Listen to The Jude Connors Show
2100 PST / 2200 MST / 2300 CST / Midnight EST