Power To The People

Day 711, 13:57 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on

NOTE: It's been awhile since an article was posted here. I am sorry... I have been sick IRL.

First of all, I want to thank all those who voted for me. Thanks to you, I am once again in Congress. Once again, I make the commitment to be a "Congressman of the People". By this I mean that I will always put the good of the eUSA before my own interests. It means I will continue to be available to each and every eAmerican. It means I will continue to respond to every message and that the door to my IRC Office (Rizon IRC: #Connors-Office) is always open. Thank you for the opportunity to serve once again. Special thanks go out to my close friends, Fivescott and Clevinger - who moved a combined 12 people to vote for me in New Mexico - as well as Killing Time, Jasper Ferguson and the USWP, and Merc and the AAP. Without these people, I would not be in Congress again.

Last term I served on the Government Oversight Committee. Although not the most glamorous of committees, I feel that the progress made by the 22nd Congress in the interests of government transparency made the GOC a success. This month I am GOC Chairman, and I aim to continue the work started last term.

We've been busy so far, with an aim to get more oversight of key components of government. THis has started with the CBO: Congressional Budget Office. We are pounding out the details in Congress right now, with a proposal by GOC member St Krems to get current CBO Manager Woxan under a contract. Krems even worked with Woxan to reach the final draft, and I am proud to say that I support this proposal 100%. Great work, Krems!

We are also trying to get the Congress paper up-and-running. I've appointed Logan Dunleavy as Editor and have he and two others as reporters: Panther and Emmanuel Cruise. WE are aiming to get that out soon!

So that's about it. A video link is below, and see you soon!


Jude Connors
eUSA Congressman
White House Director of Human Resources