Poljska blokirana, Meksiko strepi / Poland blocked, Mexico still frightened

Day 883, 13:46 Published in Serbia Serbia by sesta.bg
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Sad bi trebao da kazem sta sam vam rekao 😛.
Salu na stranu, obestinjilo se ono o cemu sam pisao u proslom clanku.
Poljska je najpre odblokirana kada se povukla iz regije Extermdura.
Brazil je nakon toga napao Juznu Afriku, regiju Northern Cape i tako dobio rat sa Poljskom s obzirom da Juzna Afrika i Poljska imaju potpisan MPP, a zatim i Canary Islands pre nego sto je proglasen rat izmedju Poljske i Meksika. Time je Brazil blokirao Poljsku i onemogucio im da veceras napadnu Meksiko. To ce dati vremena da se potpisu MPP-ovi sa Mekskikom, turski. ruski, francuski, brazilski, ali i madjarski MPP koji je predlozen nekoliko trenutaka pre napada na Canary Islands. Nazalost Srbija ne potpisuje MPP sa Meksikom, vec sa Kolumbijom. Ovo ipak nije dobro jer Poljake treba zaustaviti vec u Meksiku, ne dozvoliti im da uopste dobiju granciu sa Kolumbijom, a bez srpskog MPP-a Mekskiku ce biti neuporedivo teze da se odbrani. No, danas je Feniks imao citav dan da proceni koje su drzave dovoljne da bi se odbranio Meksiko i nadam se da su ovo dobro proracunali u suprotnom ja bi se zabrinuo.

Cinjenica da Meksiko smanjuje poreze na oruzje i gvozdje na minimum dovoljno govori koliko im je stalo do odbrane svojih regija.

Neposredno pre pocetka bitke za Northern Cape, predsednik Juzne Afrike je predlozio mir sa Brazilom. Veoma zanimljiva odluka Juzne Afrike, ukoliko bude izglasan mir MPPovi Juzne Afrike u ratu sa Brazilom ce biti deaktivirani. CIm je otvorena bitka za Northern Cape oglasila se ministarka odbrane Juzne Afrike Ines Shumaher i pozvala kongresmene da glasaju NO za predlog o miru sa Brazilom. Ovo jeste logican potez ali bice zanimljivo ispratiti hoce li kongres usvojiti ovaj predlog, trenutno je 3-3.

Zanimljivo da se u medijima vodi mali hladni rat izmedju Poljske i SAD-a. Ministar inostranih poslova SAD-a, Myles Robinson otvoreno iznosi nezadovoljstvo i kritikuje Poljsku trazeci od njih da svoje planove u Srednjoj Americi otkriju SAD-u. Ovo moze da se tumaci na 2 nacina. Jedan je da je SAD zaista ogorcen Poljacima i da su okolnosti toliko kulminirali da je bilo neizbezno izneti ih u javnost, iako ovo mozemo posmatrati kao strasno naivan potez Amerikanaca i toliko zategnute odnose da ovakve sporove ne mogu medjusobno da rese. A drugi je taj da SAD-a i Poljska namerno zele u javnosti da stvore raspolozenje kako su u losim odnosima, a kasnije iskoriste ovu cinjenicu u svoju korist.

Hvala svima, dobio sam 3. MM medalju. 🙂

Feniks preuzima inicijativu

Poland blocked, Mexico still frightened

Now I should probably say "I told you so" 😛.
Jokes aside, what i wrote in my previous article came true. Poland was first unblocked when they retreated from the regionExtermdura.
After that, Brazil attacked South African region North Cape and with it opened a war against Poland since South Africa and Poland have a signed MPP, and then launched an attack on Canary Islands before Poland declared war on Mexico. With this Brazil have blocked Poland and made it impossible for them to attack Mexico tonight. That will give enough time to finish signing MPPs with Mexico, Turkish. Russian, French, Brazilian, and Hungarian MPP which was proposed a moment before an attack on Canary Islands. Unfortunately Serbia is not signing a MPP with Mexico, but rather with Columbia. This is still not good because Poland should be stopped in Mexico, and not allow them to even get a Columbian border, and without a Serbian MPP Mexico will have a much more difficult task at defending. In any case today Phoenix had the whole day to evaluate which countries will be enough to defend Mexico and I hope their calculations are correct, otherwise I would be worried.

The fact that Mexico is lowering taxes on weapons and iron to a minimum speaks enough about how much they care about defending these regions.

Shortly before the battle of North Cape, president of South Africa has proposed peace treaty with Brazil. Very interesting decision from South Africa, and if it gets voted the MPPs of South Africa in the war with Brazil will be deactivated. As soon as the battle of North Cape commenced Ines Shumaher, South African defence minister published an article and called upon the congress to vote NO in the peace with Brazil. This is a logical step, but it will be interesting to see whether the congress adopts this proposition, currently it is 3-3.

It is interesting that in the media a small cold war is taking place between US and Poland. Minister of foreign affairs of US, Myles Robinson openl y discusses his dissatisfaction and criticizes Poland demanding that their plans for South America be exposed to the US. This can be seen in two ways. One is that US is really bitter with Poland and that the circumstances have escalated to the point where they have to be made public, even though we can see this as a very naive move by the Americans and such tensions between the countries that cannot be mutually solved. And the second one is that the US and Poland purposely want to perpetrate in the public that they are in a bad relationship, and later use this fact in their favor.

Thanks everyone, I got a 3rd MM medal. 🙂