Personal Thoughts and Guidelines for the Presidential Election.

Day 926, 15:38 Published in Singapore Ireland by ChewChewShoe">

Personal Thoughts and Guidelines for the Presidential Election.

Before I start I would like to say a few things:
In this article I am going to express my personal opinion on the presidential candidates and their campaigns. I am also going to try to keep my personal biases away from this article. This article's intentions are to guide the people to their pick for presidential candidate.

Let's move on and get down to the candidates:

Atracurium - A truly worthy candidate for this post. Atracurium has been in Singapore for longer than I can remember and has done nothing but good for the nation. He has been in charge of HomeGuard for a very long period of time, he has dedicated very much time to this country and he does nothing without a thought of the nations interests first. I fully believe him as a person and I fully support his candidature.

Logan Dunleavy - My personal choice for president. He has served many functions around the world. As a former member of the Seal Team Six, University Teacher, ambassador and much more I have full trust in him. He has the skill it takes to run this country, and with me behind his back we would look after the interests in the country. He is a highly experienced player in many aspects of the game and I believe that he is good for our nation. Me and Logan has proposed many changes that you will get to see if he gets elected. He definitely has my full support in this election.

Ice_Freeze - Ice_Freeze has yet not written any policies from what I know. But I believe he is good for the country. He has been here for a very long time, however, since he has yet not proven himself as experienced in the aspects of the game as the other candidates to me I would recommend you cast your vote for any of the other candidates. Though I have trust in him.

My own personal vote will go to Logan Dunleavy, I would like you to consider casting your vote for this candidate too. However, what I want more, is for you to form your own opinion about the candidates and vote for the one you think seem to be the best for the country.

Do not forget to vote on June 5:th!


Personal recruiting for the army.

Our army could never say no to new people in our army. If you are interested in serving the country in this aspect I suggest you enlist today!
Our national army is the spine of our nation. We deploy troops to other countries to serve our allies.


Clearing some things up
You may have noticed the ads in Singapore saying I am a communist. And also the comments and articles.
This is made my this org entirely to ruin my reputation. I am not a communist. I am strongly against this aspect of political thinking and is not to be associated with the political aspect in any way.
I deny all association with communism and I strongly support nationalistic / fascist thinking.


The song of this article:
Nomy - You Better Die Young


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ChewChewShoe, General Director of The Crossover