Personal Statement on eBe Raw

Day 1,140, 13:54 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ

Hello eBelgium,

I apologize in advance for what is going to be a wall of text. I consider what I am writing today to be a serious matter and not intended for your entertainment.

A few days after I was elected as CP of eBelgium in October, the Minister of Finance, Boklevski, called it to my attention that 50 gold from a national organization, eBe Raw, had been put on the money market and sold for 5 NLG. Neither Boklevski nor I nor Velitia, who was also working in the Ministry of Finance, could explain how this had happened. Boklevski and I both submitted tickets to the Administrators regarding this, but with little hope of help in solving this mystery, and indeed we got none. At the time this occurred, the people with access to this organization were MaryamQ, Boklevski, Velitia, Theneka and A Vegan, as the passwords had not been changed from the previous month. I take full responsibility for not getting the passwords changed more quickly, and for not bringing this issue before Congress when it happened. Indeed, I was reluctant to do so without waiting for information from our tickets.

Let us move forward a few weeks. You should be aware that it had not originally been my intention ever to run for CP. I believed I was lacking in the skills and commitment to deal with the economy and foreign affairs, and indeed I think that has proven to be true. I ran because I was asked by someone who wanted an alternative voice when Theneka was unable to run for re-election. Indeed, until this happened, I was seriously considering leaving eBelgium due to the constant bickering on the forum between A Vegan and Habraka Abrivianius, both of whom I considered friends but neither of whom I could wholeheartedly support in their disputes. When ThomasRed, who had been a truly valuable advisor throughout my presidency and was solely responsible for arranging those MPPs that gave us our first wars in months, asked if I would support him as the next CP, I was very willing to do that. He kindly offered me the position of Prime Minister in his Cabinet, and I have done my best to support him through the two months of his presidency.

Early on in ThomasRed's first term, Theneka and then A Vegan raised questions on the Congress forum about the missing gold in eBe Raw and demanded an investigation. Boklevski and I both shared what information we had, including our failure to obtain any answers. Nevertheless, ThomasRed undertook to find out who had bought that 50 gold for 5 NLG. He found the buyer was a company that was currently in the hands of A Vegan. A few days before the next CP election, ThomasRed announced a plan to get the return of the gold. I am not going to go into the methods that were used to achieve this. I understand that there are some who see them as devious. However, the gold was returned. Interestingly, A Vegan announced his candidacy for CP just as these events were playing out. I will also not go into the endless argument and accusations that followed this, except to say I tried to stay out of it as much as I could, which some may consider cowardly, but I could not accept A Vegan's claims that he was innocent but knew who was guilty when he was unwilling to give any more information about that. I will also say, as I have previously said on the forum, that I find it specious to claim that ThomasRed disclosed the results of his investigation only to protect his own run for presidency. He already had been endorsed by the largest parties in eBelgium, including the Belgian Communisty Party, before any of this information came out, and the subsequent mudslinging from both sides only hurt ThomasRed and helped A Vegan.

In his second term, ThomasRed has managed to get the first Supreme Court in eBelgian history nominated and accepted by Congress. This is no small achievement. I tried, and failed. Others have not even tried. Please note that on several occasions in the past, A Vegan asked to have a Supreme Court to hear his claims against other members of our community, including ThomasRed. Now, when we have one, it appears he has rage quit, but not without claiming that I, among others, have been unfair and judged him based on lies.

I am truly sorry these things have happened. I certainly made mistakes, and I take responsibility for them. However, I want to make it clear that I have done my best to be fair and found I had no choice but to make my personal evaluation based on the facts I was given. If there are facts that would exonerate A Vegan, he himself has withheld them from me and from all of eBelgium. Unfortunately, his leaving without revealing them forever casts a shadow not only on him, but also on Theneka, Boklevski, Velitia and me.

For those of you who feel that these issues have been “conveniently” brought up for some sort of personal vendetta, ask yourselves, which is more important - protecting someone who committed a crime against your eCountry, or telling the truth so it can all be put behind us? I know my answer.