PEACE versus Atlantis - see the true faces!

Day 520, 11:52 Published in Latvia Hungary by Kmerse

Dear citizens of eLatvia,

I don't want to cheat you, this article is for encouraging you to join PEACE instead of Atlantis. But this article won't be a pathetic propaganda article wrote by Romanians, I want only write down facts. Please, read it, and then make your own decision!

First of all, let's talk a bit about TOs. Everyone, who is old enough must know, that the first TO was made by Romania. Romanians also were the first, who managed to destroy a once great and proud country, when they took over Pakistan and sit Han Solo, the most unscrupulous player of eRepublik in the Presidency. They stole all of Pakistanian money, increased the taxes into the sky and made a puppet state which was finally occupied when Romania didn't need it any more.
Polish people took over Mexico. They stole all the money and gold, crippled the economy with 99% taxes, insulted the Mexican people, then left and let the USA to conquer the country. Only the PEACE supporting troops were able to defeat the aggressors.
Croatia took over two young country: Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina without any reason. Both country were still under the protection of eRepublik law, they were non-attackable countries. Croatians took all of the money and gold from Serbia. But when the Serbs decided to take their country back and voted the servants of Croatians out of the Serbian Congress, they forced the puppet-president to declare war on Croatia and attack a core region. From here, they were able to launch a "counter-attack" and managed to conquer nearly the whole country within two hours, because their puppet-president retreated from every battle. Bosnia was a bit luckier. They became "only" a puppet state. But do you think they wouldn't be annexed within a few minutes if they wanted freedom and independence?
Atlantis countries make TO-attempts every month against several neutral countries, but thanks to the PEACE anti-TO squads they always fail.

PEACE never tries TO against neutral nation and only tries to make a TO against Atlantis nation, but not to cripple them and rob them, but to help them break out from Atlantis. That was the situation in Norway. Norway once was a great and powerful nation with such regions like Eastern-Siberia with high iron and high oil. They give it to Romania permanently for a short operation. Romania promised them to give it back right after the operation ends. I don't have to say that they never got it back. That's how Romania and it's servants do things. Hungarian people took over the Norwegian congress with not only PEACE, but also native Norwegian support from the Romanian puppet-president, KristofferAG. They started train-RWs with Hungarian money, they reformed the taxes to boost the economy etc. They were loved by the Norwegians, although the Romanian propaganda asserted the contrary. Then the presidential elections came, and it was clear that the Hungarian supported president would win the race against the Romanian puppet-president, KristofferAG. So just before the end of the election, KristofferAG, who always said that he cares only about the interests of his "home country" gave every valuable territory to Romania, including North-Caucasus (high oil), or Urals (high iron). He also passed Moscow (high grain) and Nord-Norge (original Norwegian region). Then he left Norway and settled down in Romania. After crippling the Norwegian economy with taking every valuable regions, Romanian agents begun to buy NOK and cripple the remained companies. Norway was in ruins, so the PEACE-supported president came to a bad decision: He took all of the money and gold from Norway and left. It was a bad decision, and a shame to the whole action, but he did it. But what happened to Norway after that? KristofferAG didn't return, he still lives in Romania. That's all about how loyal servant of his "home" he is. Norway didn't get back even their original region. They were kicked from Atlantis, left alone, crippled, sacked and destroyed by their so called allies. Because they are no use to Romania any more.

Now let's talk about a bit about the hierarchy of the two alliances. In Atlantis, there are three different type of countries: First - Romania. Second - countries with no borders with Romania and/or strong enough to protest against Romania sometimes, like the USA, Sweden, Spain. Third - servants and puppets of Romania, these are the countries which aren't strong enough to oppose Romania sometimes. Romania always talks about friendship and equality, but still, Romanians look at weaker countries as servants, and if they wouldn't do exactly what they are said to do, Romania will punish them hard, just like Norway. They wanted to elect a new president instead of the Romanian servant. So they ordered their slave to destroy his own country. And he did it. In time, every servant country finds it's own puppet-president who is ready to secrefice his own country for Romania. There is no exception.

The PEACE is a democratic organization, every country is equal - although the Romanian propaganda machine may try to tell you something else. Yes, sometimes the members make sacrifices for each other. For Atlantis it looks like that some countries would serve others. It's a clear evidence, that strong members of Atlantis can't imagine that someone help someone else just becasue they're allies and friends. But that's how we managed to liberate Mexico, or whole Hungary. That's why Russia attacked Romania, that's why Hungary started blocking attack predestined to fail day after day against Romania. But still, PEACE is a democratic organization. We help every member if they need, and never let down anyone. We never occupy our allies territory.

Now the Romanians would say that Austria is an example, but it is not! First, Chicco decided to join Austria to Germany. Then the Germans tried everything to erase the Austrians from the game. They kicked them from the companies, didn't change their ATS to DEM, etc. Austrians had to go to Hungary or Italy to work, buy some food or just get back their wellness. PEACE sent countless gifts, food and weapons to Austrians, and in the end, PEACE liberated the country, when the germans joined to Atlantis. A contract made that Italy takes over Austrian territories and Hungery and Slovenia can take one territory for themselves for training battles. This was necessary because Austria has too few citizens to control such a big country, so they offered this for PEACE in exchange for the liberation.

You have to see the true face of Atlantis and PEACE as well, not only the propaganda. The Romanian propaganda machine is truly excellent, I have to admit that, but don't let yourselves be fooled.
I can't suggest you anything else than join to PEACE. But I can't say you this is the easy way. The Atlantis TO groups are already in your country. They already founded their parties. I suggest you to found you own, national parties, run your trustworthy members for the Congress and ask for the help of the PEACE anti-TO squadrons to vote for them. This is maybe the only way to avoid an Atlantis TO in your country. It would be easier for sure to listen to the calling of Atlantis now. And in the first few weeks or months you may think that you made the wise decision. You would be temporary in safe, serving and protected by Romania. If you choose the easy way this time, you couldn't choose your path any more. You would look free but you never would be free. See the example of Norway. They tried it, and look at them now...
You were oppressed by Russians before in IRL, don't let yourself to be oppressed again, this time by Romania!
I really hope that you can remain free after the 25 of April, you can make your own decision and you 'll never regret that.

Kmerse from Hungary, a really free and happy citizen.

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