PEACE gone, war rages on! Singapore needs help funds!

Day 734, 12:21 Published in Singapore Ireland by ChewChewShoe">

PEACE gone, war rages on!

PEACE is gone, but still there are war raging out over our planet.

Some of you may know, and then some of you may not know, that PEACE GC has dissolved.

Just days from now the great world war between PEACE and EDEN/Brolliance dominated all eWorld media, dominated all eWorld battles and dominated all eWorld thinking.

The war lasted several months. Several harsh months, but it's over now... Or is it?

Is the war really over? Russia is currently invading China, Argentina is invading Peru, North Korea is attacking Russia, India is trying to retake a region and so is China.

Can you really see this war ended? I don't think so. Not yet. Not yet by far.
It'll take months until the wars between PEACE and EDEN/Brolliance ends.
Ends for good. Sure, there will probably always be war. But the wars today is still associated to the Great World War.

Just look at eBelgium. Loads of arguing between the pro-PEACE party(parties) and the pro-EDEN party(parties), and it's the same with eSwitzerland.


Singapore needs help funds!

Singapore needs donations for war games, we need your help!

Singapore can no longer afford having war games because of it's small population and the change for an MPP from 30 to 100 GOLD.

We have been without battles for a long time now and we need to get going again.

Please donate any amount of money to our national bank. Singapore needs you.


Oh, and yes. About congress.

Americans: Please vote Jude Connors in Minnesota, Rainy Sunday in Connecticut, Clevinger in Missouri, Herrn Sterling in Vermont or Gannonus in Kansas.

Singaporeans: Please vote Boethiah, Kryteshyft or Relorian

South Africans: Please vote Frank Furglar in Limpopo.

And yes.. Sorry to disappoint you Singapore, I am not running this month. I am thinking of running next month though. Depends on how much you want me then.


The song of this article:
Slipknot - Duality


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ChewChewShoe, General Director of The Crossover