PEACE Civil War? or Ongoing Negotations?

Day 706, 19:10 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

Indonesia launched a resistance war on Ryanggang (Occupied North Korea). Now this was at first confusing, because Hungary and Indonesia wanted Russia to declare war on North Korea and capture a region that was recently liberated. Russia's president refused, and it's congress attempted to impeach him (but failed). Perhaps this was a warning or just a wargame.

RW: of Ryanggang - Going to Fail

Then suddenly Russia committed a all out war of resistance on Indonesia in Western Siberia. Russia is spending tons of gold to tank the battle to it's favor. - Won by Russia

According to Iranian Media PEACE has called for an emergency summit

Russian Duma officially sanctions the resistance war

Indonesian Media claims the resistance war is part of negotiations
But the battle is still in Indonesia's favor.

Russian Government confirms RW is part of Negotiations
Indo is suppose to return West Siberia

There are rumors going around Russia has already paid Indonesia gold to get the region back.
PEACE is claiming Fortis Eden is fighting green however PEACE tanks are clearly fighting for both sides.

Update: Russia is united with West Siberia!