Party President elections, Res Belgica style

Day 1,180, 21:05 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ

In all the excitement of a Natural Enemy declaration with France, it is easy to forget that Party President elections are upon us. After discussion on the Res Belgica forum, I have decided to run this month, and this is what I would like to achieve:

Increased activity on the party forum
Res Belgica has always had a core of active members, including some of our longest-serving Congress members, 2 recent Country Presidents, and a candidate who came very close to being the third, but we are always willing to foster newer players in their political careers, as well. We also have people who are willing and very able to give good advice on other aspects of the game, including business ownership, and we have a Q3 food company providing employment, as well as making its production available to the general public. The forum is the place we meet and talk about these activities, and we want as many members as possible to be involved.

Increased membership
Res Belgica, like all parties, has suffered heavy losses since V2 and the numerous subsequent changes. Recently, there has been an increase again, and I hope to continue this trend. We have a proud record of service to eBelgium, and we hope when new members of the community understand that, they will want to be part of it.

Shared vision while encouraging independent thinking
In the past months, we have had some discussions about who we are and what we stand for. I would like to pick these up again, preferably with wider participation, and see if we can agree upon a statement of our principles and goals. At the same time, while I hope we can agree on our general ideals, we have always been tolerant of divergent viewpoints about how to achieve those ideals. I am proud to be a member of a party that is open to respectful debate and disagreement on particular issues, and would want that to continue.

Last but not least, I want to encourage you, eBelgian citizens, to be informed, not only about who you are voting for, but also about issues of importance to our nation. The Natural Enemy situation will offer us many opportunities to fight, but please fight wisely. Do not fight so much that you cannot afford to regain your health with food, and please be careful to follow Citizen Orders from our Ministry of Defense. Not every battle is of equal importance. Follow the orders so you will be able to use your influence where it is most needed.