Party Leadership and Recent Events

Day 3,034, 06:05 Published in Pakistan Ireland by Galloglaigh

I am here to announce to my Party Comrades that I am running for Party President of the Diocracy. Vento Aureo has lost two members which we are sad to see leave, yet it is still the Largest Party in Pakistan at this time. The Party Leadership will remain the same if I am elected.

The current Dictator is only accepting citizenship's of citizens that help protect his rule. So there is little chance we will grow the Party in the near future. The old rift in Pakistan is emerging again making Pakistanis accuse each other of false loyalty to the country.

We lost an important election in March. Congress has no say in matters of state under Ahsans leadership and his Cabinet seems to be vacant from their positions. We have not signed any MPP's after the Dictator stripped them away with his pants-on-head retarded attack on China last month.

The Country is in the downwards spiral of inactivity and general apathy. I hope to change that in future elections. The training wars have gone on long enough, our economy is ruined, and any money we are making from this relationship with Bulgaria goes unseen. Can I count on your vote this coming 15th /v/irgins?

To help future Leadership in the Party I will help define its positions:

Vice President - Leads in place of of the Party President in case he is away (in-game; irc).
Secretary General - Indicates a person having a certain amount of power in the organization.
Councillor - A high-ranking diplomat for the Party.
Spokesman - Someone engaged to speak on behalf of the Party.

Thanks for reading,

Secretary General of Vento Aureo