Our Job is Done

Day 3,106, 15:03 Published in Japan Ireland by Galloglaigh

The Resource Wars for Japan have concluded with our claim of our 8th Resource. I put a lot of effort into fighting as has many of us. We have put a lot of effort gaining Resources in the Unknown Industry which is a Risk because we don't know what it is. I hoped we could have traded some of them for Weapon Production a sector of Industry that we know something about, but now Company owners will have to migrate away from Japan to gain production in this area.

Kanto (Historic Capital) has 190% Bonus Food Production with Deer, Grain, Cattle, and Fruit.

Kinki has 175% Bonus "New Industry" Production with Neodymium, Wolfram, Titanium, and Magnesium.

We can now cool down in our Wars and hopefully we can get all our regions back after the Tournament is over, living in harmony with our neighbors.

Congratulations to all Japanese Fighters.